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[For Hire] Game 3D Animation Service

Discussion in 'Commercial: Job Seeking' started by Victor_DarkSandwich, May 31, 2024.

  1. Victor_DarkSandwich


    May 29, 2024
    Dark Sandwich is a Malaysian-based 3D animation studio that specializes in gameplay and cinematic animations. We are now a team of 7 professional animators and 4 collaborators (rigger and 3D artist) with extensive game industry experience.

    Our in-house keyframed work at

    We are expertise in using Autodesk Maya, MotionBuilder and 3DsMax for 3D character animation.

    For your projects that require for animations of an indie-friendly, exceptionally high caliber, or AAA quality, we offer sincere collaboration and open communication to bring concepts and ideas to life. Our studio can help your projects in many ways, including with quicker turnaround times and cost-effective solutions with a distinctive creative approach. We also seek collaborations that are long-term.

    We are capable of producing hyper-realistic or motion-captured, stylized, and animated humanoids, creatures, robots, mecha, and animals, ranging in size from extremely massive and hefty kaiju-like creatures to speedy and quick little characters. With regard to your project's unique animation requirements or objectives, we are very adaptable.

    Before establishing Dark Sandwich, we had prior experience working on projects like:
    • Scalebound by Platinum Games
    • Elden Rings by fromSoftware
    • Diablo VI by Blizzard Entertainment
    • Elder Dragon LOL Championship 2017 by Riot Games
    • Gears 5 by The Coalition
    • World of Demons by Platinum Games
    Please drop an email to or connect via LinkedIn at to discuss the possibility of our partnership while we are still available.

    Thank you for your interest and looking forward to hearing from you.