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Finding the position of Andy in HelloAR and storing it to compare using ARCore?

Discussion in 'AR' started by Kanoza, Feb 20, 2019.

  1. Kanoza


    Jan 21, 2019
    Hi, I'm new to unity and I'm trying to make a simple function in the HelloARController script. In this script what I'm trying to do is store the position in which the Andy object is placed in the real world. I do this using this code in the Update() method:


    To my own understanding, hit.Pose.position is the 3D positioning of where the user taps the screen, relative to the real world space (I'm assuming. After some research I came to this conclusion. Please feel free to correct me!). So what I did was store those co-ordinates in a List<Vector3>. If the user were to hit or tap somewhere of the same co-ordinates again I just wanted to spawn a canvas. I do this by using a for loop to compare the hit position with the positions that were previously stored like this:

    for (int i = 0; i < storePos.Count; i++)
    if (hit.Pose.position == storePos[i])

    When trying out this code, it doesn't work and I've thought of some reasons as to why but struggling to find a solution to this problem. Whilst continuing to figure this out, I would appreciate some advice, answers or tips! :)