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Discussion Feedback, thoughts, opinions and a bug or 2 from using InputSystem & VR.

Discussion in 'Input System' started by jamie_xr, May 19, 2023.

  1. jamie_xr


    Feb 28, 2020
    I’ve just spent a few days debugging a few issues in our VR game regarding GUI interactions. I’ve compiled a list of feedback & observations. In particular relating tot he classes: InputSystemUIInputModule and TrackedDeviceRaycaster.

    1. TrackedDeviceRaycaster raycasts against ALL graphics in a canvas, not just ones with raycastTarget = true
    During my debugging I found that

    TrackedDeviceRaycasterLine 174: inside functionSortedRaycastGraphics.

    There is the line:

    var graphics = GraphicRegistry.GetGraphicsForCanvas(canvas);

    This returns all graphics within the canvas, not just the ones marked as raycastTargets. From reading the code in GraphicRegistry I noticed there’s also function GetRaycastableGraphicsForCanvas(canvas);. It feels like this should have been used instead. I guess this is more of a bug report than a request or suggestion.

    2. InputSystemUIInputModule inflexibility for determining eventData.trackedDevicePosition and eventData.trackedDeviceOrientation.
    These 2 properties are currently read directly from InputActions. This is inflexible as you may want to use the same “tracked” pointer logic from something other than the raw value of the input actions.

    A use case maybe involving some kind of gameplay mechanic (not even necessarily a VR game).

    Our use case is this (and we can’t be the only ones who ran into this problem):

    Unfortunately for certain devices on certain XR SDKs the poses aren’t consistent, and we have to apply offsets to these. These offsets are applied at transform level, we have a TrackedPoseDriver with several child transforms representing the offsets, depending on which device/xr sdk we are using we select the appropriate child. Those children are all configured with their offsets by defining their local positions and rotation. The selected child (known as the “offset transform” is then used as the main transform for all the hand positioning in the game. However when interacting with UI, we can’t use transforms to define this as it reads directly from the input actions which are can only be bound to

    • <XRController>/devicePosition
    • <XRController>/deviceRotation
    • <XRController>/pointerPosition
    • <XRController>/pointerOrientation
    Note that these bindings aren’t even available on all XR platforms. Our offset transforms are the only way to achieve this consistency.

    One potential solution

    Maybe we can try implement our own custom Interactions or Processors to plug into the input system? Transforms are easier to visuals and tweak as they provide a visual medium to do this in and again would allow more flexibility for other use cases than the one I described.

    Only Remaining Solution

    The only solution remaining is to extend some of the classes to allow the position and rotation to be pulled from somewhere else. Either extending TrackedDeviceRaycaster I can substitute the position and rotation when we do the raycast or extend InputSystemUIInputModuleand substitute it where we populate the pointerEventData or the PointerModel.

    However this isn’t easy either: See point 3

    3. Not easily extendable!
    There are places in the code that indicate it was designed with subclassing and extensibility in mind. However, that’s not strictly possible.


    In here we have
    internal void PerformRaycast(ExtendedPointerEventData eventData, List<RaycastResult> resultAppendList). 

    where the raycasting happens. However it’s internal and not virtual. Above it however there is
    public override void Raycast(PointerEventData eventData, List<RaycastResult> resultAppendList)
    which is the BaseRaycaster's api. It seems that the event system does use this function yet the InputSystemUIInputModule calls the internal function PerformRaycast. Additionally the InputSystemUIInputModule is specifically referencing the instances of TrackedDeviceRaycaster so even writing my own BaseRaycaster implementation is out of the question without also duplicating my own InputSystemUIInputModule .

    Much of this stuff is easily addressable,
    DevDunk likes this.
  2. jamie_xr


    Feb 28, 2020
    I came to the conclusion the only solution was to create a new InputDevice and feed that from my offset transforms. Then target the InputModule to the actions bound to those controls on the new device. there's a few issues with this though.

    1. The position of those transforms is not fully resolved until after the input systems update, as they are influenced by TrackedPoseDrivers. I can feed the device but it won't receive the correct state until the following frame. Not the end of the world but it's not correct.

    2. The pointer system in the input module is flawed. Because the click comes from a different device than the position and rotation it won't associate the click with that pointer. Left hand works randomly as there's a guard, if we can't match the pointer to an existing one it returns the currentPointer. Which happens to be the Left hand device I created.
    Ultimately it's quite limited that the pointer's click has to come from the same device as the position and rotation. You may have a game in which you want to use your head to point and click with a button on a controller. Or click with the other controller, either as a unique game mechanic, or even just as an accessibility option.

    My suggestion is to expose the pointer allocation and definition.
    Keep the ability to auto allocate pointers but have options to define our own. Either programmatically or just in the inspector.
    Each one is just a set of actions and a pointer type that would work together, each pointer type would have it's own set of action types required to make it work. With multi touch it would have to just automatically scale.
    Also allow the ability to prevent auto pointer allocation.
    You could remove a whole load of complexity in the code this way as 90% of games have a specific setup that they'd want. A PC game, would only need a mouse, a VR game 99% would be 2x pointers. We can negate a whole bunch of different code paths that way. It's better to be explicit a lot of the time.