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Unity's version control component has been upgraded to Plastic SCM.

[Feature Request] Where the "old" files go after restoring on collab?

Discussion in 'Unity Collaborate' started by LezCT, Sep 20, 2017.

  1. LezCT


    Nov 15, 2014
    I accidentally pressed "restore" on my most recent commit collab history because i thought it's the other way of updating my copy of project from my friend's commit.
    I came to that way (which is wrong) because it all started with a bug where i can't update my copy of project with an error "cannot download entry" with the weird progress bar value.

    my copy of project is 2 days behind the last commit and i was very eager to get an update from my mates, but the worst is that, i have a lot of files that i added / updated on our project, and it's tearing me apart that i can't find my files because my project is reverted back instead of update and merged from my mate's copy.

    I need to find the local copy of my project before i even pressed that "restore" button.
    Thank you to everyone who take time to read and respond to this.
  2. Ryan-Unity


    Mar 23, 2016
    Hi @LezTusi! I'm sorry for the confusion. Typically, when there are pending updates, they should be listed in the Collab History window with the Update button next to them. The Restore option is available for whichever commit you are currently on locally, but only if you have made new changes since that commit. It is intended to be used as a non-reversible undo option, in case you wanted to do some iterative testing or try something that just didn't work out and rather than save your work you'd rather go back to how things were before you started making changes.

    There should have been a popup asking for confirmation before using Restore saying that it will delete any uncommitted changes if used but that doesn't totally prevent unintended deletes like this. Unfortunately, there isn't a way of recovering deleted changes from the Restore option and I'm really sorry about that.

    Are you still having difficulties pulling your teammates' changes? Which version of Unity are you using?
  3. LezCT


    Nov 15, 2014
    Hello! Thank you for your response! My current version is 2017.1.0f3, The error i was experiencing is gone, I later accepted my loss and i'm now happily working with my team. It was my fault pressing the restore button without reading the warning properly at the first place. But maybe, (just maybe) Adding that feature where the project can be optionally backed up before restoring is a good addition. I found that i'm not the only one who did this. Anyway, thanks. The collab really did helped us work faster! and I'm really looking forward getting greater features from you guys!
    Ryan-Unity likes this.
  4. Ryan-Unity


    Mar 23, 2016
    Feature request duly noted! We will be sure to look into that. I'm really happy to hear that Collab is helping you and your team work faster and we'll continue to keep delivering awesome features in the future!
  5. Eric0x


    Dec 26, 2019
    Is there any foolproof feature being introduced yet?
    My colleague forgot to push his progress for a long time. And he accidentally clicked restore and ignored the warning. Now he's progress have been revert to weeks before. It would be really nice if you make the warning more obvious (with a skull and a red button maybe? :D) and maybe make a backup? It's really easy for some non-English speaking user to make the mistakeo_O.
  6. Ryan-Unity


    Mar 23, 2016
    Hi @Eric0x, we don't currently have plans to update the messaging of the original UI to make it more clear that unpublished work will be lost when using Restore from the Collab History window. That said, your feedback is incredibly valuable and I will forward it to the team for how we can improve our redesigned UI for Collaborate v1.3 and v2.1-preview when using that feature. We want to do everything reasonable to prevent users from accidentally deleting their work, and making the window more clear, especially to non-English speaking users, is a great feature request. I'm sorry that your teammate ran into this situation and we will work to make these types of scenarios much less likely in the future.
    Eric0x likes this.
  7. Clevertop


    Dec 9, 2018
    @ryanc-unity I'va also made this mistake, is there anywhere the files go that I might be able to undelete them with file recovery software?
  8. Ryan-Unity


    Mar 23, 2016
    Hi @Clevertop, I'm afraid that there isn't a location where the files are moved to when a restore is performed. I'm incredibly sorry for the pain this has caused.
  9. holo-comics


    Nov 17, 2019
    reatlly it has been four yearrs!!!!

    I have the same problem right now,
  10. hrohibil


    Apr 17, 2021
    Me to...