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[Feature request] Group actions for solving conflicts.

Discussion in 'Unity Collaborate' started by Marc-Saubion, Mar 5, 2018.

  1. Marc-Saubion


    Jul 6, 2011

    Following a "check for changes" bug, I end up with a dozen of conflicts on collaborate. There is no option to select many and do a group action.

    I tried using the right click menu in the project folder but end up with a "operation failed" " There are no valid assets to do this operation on" because the assets don't exist yet in my project.

    Right now I have to individually chose my conflict resolutions and wait each time for the next while my colleague are waiting for my update.

    An other issue is, I can't do anything before I solved the conflicts. I have a prefab to send and can't update it on its own because this option is locked as long as I have conflicts. This should be overridable since the file has nothing to do with the conflict.
