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Official Experimental 2D Lights and Shader Graph support in Universal RP (previously LWRP)

Discussion in '2D Experimental Preview' started by rustum, May 24, 2019.

  1. rustum


    Unity Technologies

    Feb 14, 2015
    2D Lights in 2D Renderer in LWRP.gif

    We’ve released a 2D Renderer in an experimental namespace in LWRP.

    This version includes:
    • 2D Lights
    • Lit and Unlit Sprite Masternode in Shader Graph
    • Pixel Perfect Camera component
      • This will be the new home for Pixel Perfect moving forward. The standalone package will still receive bug fixes, but new features will only be added here.
      • This is the same component with the same workflow as the one in the Pixel Perfect package. The main change is that Pixel Perfect is now compatible with the 2D Renderer in LWRP.

    Getting Started
    Installing LWRP
    1. Download and install the latest Unity 2019.2 beta, here:
    Lightweight RP.png

    2. Get the LWRP version 6.7.1 from the Package Manager in Unity
    3. Select the packages you wish to install and click Install.
    Configuring the 2D Renderer

    1. Create a new Pipeline Asset by right clicking in the assets view of the project window, and selecting Create > Rendering > Lightweight Render Pipeline > Pipeline Asset
    2. Create a new 2D Renderer by right clicking in the assets view of the project window, and selecting Create > Rendering > Lightweight Render Pipeline > 2D Renderer

    3. Select the created Pipeline Asset then select and change General -> Render Type -> Forward Renderer to Custom
    4. Assign the created 2D Renderer to the data field.
    5. In the graphics settings set your Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings to use the created Pipeline Asset​

    The 2D Renderer should now be configured.

    Get the 2D Renderer samples here:

    Click on the View Documentation link in the Package Manager.

    The 2D Renderer is designed to work with 2019.2 and is incompatible with any previous version of Unity.

    If you are installing the package into a Project with pre-existing Prefabs, materials or Scenes, you will need to upgrade any materials used to a lighting compatible Shader. The following functions allow you to do so. Do note that this is a one way process and cannot be reverted.

    Upgrading a Scene
    To upgrade the currently opened Scene, go to Edit > Render Pipeline > Lightweight Render Pipeline > 2D Renderer > Upgrade Scene To 2D Renderer

    Upgrading a Project
    To upgrade all Prefabs and materials in your Project, go to Edit > Render Pipeline > Lightweight Render Pipeline > 2D Renderer > Upgrade Project To 2D Renderer

    Please share your experience with the tools by replying to this post or creating a new one. How does this feature help you achieve your desired outcomes? What works as expected? And what doesn’t? We’re excited to hear back from you!
    M_MG_S, NotaNaN, Rallix and 11 others like this.
  2. Kolyasisan


    Feb 2, 2015
    What about using the alpha channel for HDR stuff? CSR 2 devs used the alpha channel for masking out the bloom and we did bloom amplification using the alpha channel in Grand Dad Mania. Perhaps it can be a very good option in cases where true HDR is not needed except for a better bloom or some other effects that otherwise do not use the alpha channel. It's a win-win situation since we'll save performance by not using floating point buffers on highend-ish devices and retain the original colors by not using remapping on lowend devices.
    Last edited: May 29, 2019
    Chris_Chu and willgoldstone like this.
  3. MadeFromPolygons


    Oct 5, 2013
    Tasty, will fire this up and give it a spin later.

    Im currently using spine to do bone based 2D animation due to sprite swapping not being supported in the animation v2 package currently, and I am hoping I can get the included spine shader to work with LWRP so I can leverage the lights.

    If not then I will write a replacement and post it here for people to use as I know a number of the community are using spine currently until Anim V2 matures a bit (removal of PSB only support, addition of sprite swapping, FFD etc) as from looking at their shader quickly it doesnt seem to do anything too difficult to recreate using LWRP
    ysys-jeff, cparki3 and zIyaGtVm like this.
  4. Stenix


    Jul 14, 2014
    In a small project of mine i tested this out. It worked fine on my prefabs, but not the non-prefab sprite-renderer components. I fixed this by simply removing the components and adding them again. While it worked fine for me, for bigger projects it might be more tedious.
  5. no-weekend


    Jun 7, 2013
    I have just tried this in my project, it works really well.
    Shader graph did crawl once and then kinda weirdly crash and cause Unity's text to all garbled. but after a restart it seemed to be fine.

    One thing I am really wanting is some form of shadows and maybe ways to mask areas from certain lights (ie. from the global light)
    foxnne likes this.
  6. OscarLeif


    Jul 17, 2016
    What about performance ?
    This new system is more faster than the default one ?
  7. no-weekend


    Jun 7, 2013
    In my game I build all the sprites in script. Currently I see no access to the 'Target sorting layers' via code in Light2d
    owlgrey likes this.
  8. no-weekend


    Jun 7, 2013
    What also would be good is a direction for the global light, (just like the global 3d light) couple that with normal maps and a shadow and you have a top down day/night cycles.
  9. Chris_Chu


    Unity Technologies

    Apr 19, 2018
    Sorry no-weekend, this needs to be fixed. It won't be fixed in the next package release, but hopefully one soon after.
    owlgrey and no-weekend like this.
  10. foxnne


    Apr 18, 2016
    Is there any possibility of supporting Light2D while also rendering a "3D" directional light?

    Currently it seems it's not possible to get both types of lights. That's unfortunate, but it seems I need to choose between my sprites being tilted up like a pop-up book to get real shadows from the "sun" directional light, or put them back for regular 2D spot lights but no shadows.
    enhawk, theraje3, rustum and 3 others like this.
  11. MartinGebske


    Jun 18, 2013
    There's still the issue with the black camera feed (background) using LWRP and AR Foundation. Any ideas when this might be fixed?
  12. Chris_Chu


    Unity Technologies

    Apr 19, 2018
    Shadows are planned for later this year. As for having a way to set a direction on the global lights, this is something I've thought about as well. This is something I'd like us to put in this year.
  13. AndriiM


    Jul 25, 2012
    EDIT; Scratch that, seems fine in the beta build 4

    Hey @Chris_Chu ,
    I think there is a bug with 360 point light. If you turn on Volume Opacity, there is a gap between 360 and 0 degrees. Looks like this:
    Last edited: May 30, 2019
    Zoo4125, Bobcatn777, KiraTile and 9 others like this.
  14. oscarAbraham


    Jan 7, 2013
    I think Freeform Lights would benefit a lot also from having the option to set a parallel direction like some kind of parallel light. One use that I've been applying a lot for freeform lights is kind of semiglobal light, where every room in a scene can have its own global/ambient color temperature without a lot of complications. So I've been finding myself using Freeform Lights a lot more than Global Lights for that reason. The way they handle normal maps when used as a semiglobal light doesn't fit well though; the light direction should be parallel when used like this, not coming from the origin point.

    If it helps, I can think of three ways to make this available:

    One is to have the option in both Freeform Lights and Global Lights to toggle between the default way they handle normals and a parallel direction. I think it's important to keep the current ways they work available, because they are both also useful. To be honest, this would be enough for me. There is a problem with this though: when global lights can have direction, it makes sense to be able to have more than one per layer and blend style.

    A second way to make this available would be to add a Parallel Light and then add the option to limit it to a freeform Area. Then you could replace Global Lights with an option to change ambient light in a window, the same way it works on 3D. You could have an ambien color for each Layer and Blend Style. Or you could just put an ambient light option directly on the sprites, I think it would be easier to think about, and I haven't really found a use for having different global lights for different blend styles. You could also collapse Parametric Lights and Freeform Lights into Point Lights, specially Parametric Lights, because Point Lights could replace them easily if they had the options of Sides, Angle Offset and maybe Fallof offset.

    A third way is to simply add Parallel Light and a Freeform Parallel Light. I still think it could be better to replace Global Lights with an ambient light panel in a special window, or an ambient light option in the sprites.

    Any other way I can think of is really a convination of this three. Anyway, it's awesome to finally have 2d Lights integrated in Unity, I'd love to have some kind of freeform parallel lights, and thank you very much for everything.
  15. cparki3


    Jan 13, 2014
    That would be awesome! We are using Spine as well and would really like to leverage the 2D lights. Really appreciate it :)
    MadeFromPolygons and foxnne like this.
  16. MadeFromPolygons


    Oct 5, 2013
    Actually I was happy to see that the LWRP shaders work with spine without me needing to update them.

    I had messaged the spine devs and they said their shader does nothing special, any sprite shader will work :) So you actaully have everything you need to do this already ;) Can confirm the included 2D shadergraph shaders work
    rustum likes this.
  17. Sylmerria


    Jul 2, 2012
  18. Chris_Chu


    Unity Technologies

    Apr 19, 2018
    There are some issues with tile maps at the moment. Unfortunately, the tiles in the tile window appear unlit (black). This is an issue we will try to address relatively soon (not sure when), and depending on your use case with tile map, the lighting may work for you when this is fixed.

    However, there is also a chance the current lighting system might not suit your needs. I think this would be a great topic to discuss once more people have had a chance to try out the lighting system.

    Thanks for the feedback. I definitely like your idea of adding a parallel light option to more than just the global lights and I think the point you brought up about global lights if we add a parallel light option to it, is a good one to consider.
    Last edited: May 31, 2019
  19. Sylmerria


    Jul 2, 2012
    Indeed, I have will have my own sorting system because unity sorting doesn't fit at all with my requirement so waiting for that thread with pleasure :)
  20. Peter77


    QA Jesus

    Jun 12, 2013
    I haven't worked with Unity 2D yet and wonder what makes the lwrp 2d renderer better than the built-in one? Some sort of comparison table would be very useful as well.
    NotaNaN and Sylmerria like this.
  21. arsnyan2002


    Apr 30, 2019
    Is it me or there's a huge problem with that when you use Tile Palette?
    Tiles don't want to show up in palette and I guess this is because it works like a scene but as there is no light source, user cannot see a thing at all.

    P.S. You can see that I chose a bunch of tiles and I can also put them at scene. Though I can't see them in tile palette.
    Also, I used Global Lightning to make a scene look ok.
  22. rustum


    Unity Technologies

    Feb 14, 2015
    I'd love to get a clearer understanding of what outcome you're trying to achieve here. Are you trying to get shadows to be received by a sprite? If so, does it have to be from a 3D light? And finally, the object that is casting those shadows, is that a sprite or a 3D object?
    foxnne likes this.
  23. foxnne


    Apr 18, 2016

    Well, in my eyes the issues are tied to being a top-down game.

    The goal would be to have a single source of light drive the overall brightness of the scene, like the new global light, but be able to cast shadows off buildings/objects/characters etc. in a way that simulates a day/night cycle.

    In my project, for lighting it seems I'm limited to a few options, neither of which allow me to achieve this goal:

    I can make my project mostly 3D, and tilt character/object sprites up similar to a popup book. I then can use a 3D directional light to get nice accurate shadows with the light acting as a sun. This is easy to achieve using a quad and custom shader, and I don't have any issues creating this. However, I can't use much else for point lights or any other lights as 3D point lights will behave strangely when behind a tilted up sprite.

    The other option is to go pure 2D and have regular sprites, and use these new lights. However, even when the shadows are implemented I can only imagine they will be collider-based. This means character animations won't really work out unless they are cast from a simple collider that won't match the characters sprite. Solutions like 2DDL pro and other lighting assets work well for simple characters or only on walls, but none offer the ability to have a global light cast shadows all at the same angle, like you would expect a global sun to behave.

    The perfect solution, in my eyes for top down games, would be a 2D global light that uses a heightmap for each sprite to calculate directional shadows, imitating a "sun". The heightmap could be attached similar to how normal maps are to be attached as a secondary texture, or similar I believe.

    I don't necessarily have to have real time shadows for every light. But a global light that can cast "fake" shadows from sprites for a day/night cycle would be amazing.


    Maybe something like described here in part 2?

    One more smaller request would be the ability to have two 2D lights overlap without increasing brightness, or the ability to specify a ceiling so overlapping lights wouldn't increase past a certain brightness. Currently if I have multiple characters that are able to cast light, I can't have too many close together or things become blown out.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2019
  24. Chris_Chu


    Unity Technologies

    Apr 19, 2018
    We are working on a fix for this issue
    arsnyan2002 and foxnne like this.
  25. EvOne


    Jan 29, 2016
    Does this package have any problems with Post-processing stack compatibility?
    Is this a bug, or should it be so? :)
    -Here is a screenshot with the standard bloom effect from the standard post-processing profile -I could not find the settings in the 2D LWRP asset that would remove these creepy "steps" instead of the smooth gradient of the bloom.

    Yes, turning on the HDR checkbox on the quality tab makes the gradient smooth, but what to do without HDR?
    At the lower intensity of the effect, the “steps” are less visible, but they are still present.

    P.S. Sorry for google-translate.
  26. Chris_Chu


    Unity Technologies

    Apr 19, 2018
    Can you do me a favor and file a bug report through the bug reporter? That way I can get your project and take a look at what is happening.
  27. EvOne


    Jan 29, 2016
    But I can not! :confused: -All my attempts to send a report end with this error when packing the attached project! :mad:
    This has never happened before.

    Why is it not indicated reading which file exactly caused an error - I do not understand!
    - This software is not for housewives - why hide the "extra" information from us?
    If I had more information about the problem encountered during data collection, I would understand and correct it, but ...
    -How I now send a report about the bug if the "Automation" that should collect the data -does not work, and neither the reboot Win, nor the cleaning of the Unity temporary directories (which I know, but not the fact that about all) does not help!
    Cut from the project Lib directories, etc. - also did not help.

    I sent bugreports many times before - this is not the case until now, but this time - I just do not know what the matter is.

    Last edited: Jun 6, 2019
    MadeFromPolygons likes this.
  28. EvOne


    Jan 29, 2016
    Here is a clean project, without folders and files created by Unity. When I unpack it and open it in Unity - everything I wrote about bloom and “steps” earlier - I see it in this project, again.

    I do not know if it will help you,
    but it looks like this is all I can do now... :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

    Attached Files:

  29. Chris_Chu


    Unity Technologies

    Apr 19, 2018
    I don't think I'll have time to look at it today, but I'll try and look at it sometime soon. Sorry you had issues with the bug reporter, but thanks for the project.
    EvOne likes this.
  30. foxnne


    Apr 18, 2016
    Will it be possible to access some of the lighting data through Shader Graph in the future? The possibility to create custom lights and behaviors would be great.
    NotaNaN, oscarAbraham and no-weekend like this.
  31. sambess


    Sep 27, 2015
    Hello !
    I Have a problem with the 2D light. In my scene, i see the light but my camera don't renderer the light.

  32. rustum


    Unity Technologies

    Feb 14, 2015
    Have you tried checking the z coordinates of your lights and camera? Lights need to be in front of the camera to work in the game view.
  33. oscarAbraham


    Jan 7, 2013
    Hi. I'm Finding that none of the LWRP particle shaders work with the experimental 2d renderer type. When I change it back to the Forward Renderer, they work again. Is that to be expected?
  34. DavidNLN


    Sep 27, 2018
    Hi @rustum I'm trying to understand the lwrp use cases, we are creating an open world 2d game, this game is NOT intended for mobiles but for pc/mac. Do you think there is benefit of using the lwrp for this ?
    If so why and what will we lose by using it ?
  35. dquek


    Unity Technologies

    Apr 17, 2018
    Hi EvOne,

    This issue could be due to visual studio being opened and it locks some files inside the project folder.
    You can try to close the IDE before submission.

    This issue actually was fixed in one of our previous releases.

    So sorry for the inconvenience!

    EvOne likes this.
  36. Chris_Chu


    Unity Technologies

    Apr 19, 2018
    The shaders for LWRP, like the particles, are actually set up to work with the forward renderer, not the 2D renderer. In the next version of LWRP particles will be rendered but they will be unlit.

    If you need 2D lit particles, you can create a new material, with the Sprite-Lit-Default shader then assign that material to the particle system.
    oscarAbraham and EvOne like this.
  37. EvOne


    Jan 29, 2016
    It seems that in my case the reason is not in the visual studio. -After restarting the operating system, launching the Unity without any additional launches of other programs, trying to send a bug report, I again received a similar message.
    Unity version 2019.2.0b3
    I will check later after upgrading to last beta
  38. DavidNLN


    Sep 27, 2018
    Hii, is there any plans on adding reflection ? currently the only way I know of doing this is render the screen to a texture
    foxnne likes this.
  39. alkaitagi


    Dec 8, 2016
    Tried the package, works great. I have a question. For a sprite renderer to be affected by the light it has to contain the sprite-lit-default material. Given a sprite renderers can contain only a single material, how can I use the light with my custom effect created in shader graph?
  40. Chris_Chu


    Unity Technologies

    Apr 19, 2018
    We have talked about it, but don't yet have firm plans for it at the moment.

    You should only need a single material. Assign your shadergraph shader to a material and assign that to your sprite. Also make sure your shadergraph uses the Sprite Lit Master node. If you are having issues with this I would recommend looking at the documentation. If your inputs are setup correctly, and everything is connect right it should just work.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2019
  41. alkaitagi


    Dec 8, 2016
    Indeed! Using the master node works, thank you very much.
  42. eniliosarcos


    Jul 4, 2016
    This package is amazing. Could it be used in the light module of the particle system? because I tried to do it creating a prefab with component light 2d of the LWRP, but i noticed that was not compatible when i dragged the prefab into the light module in the particle system.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2019
  43. Chris_Chu


    Unity Technologies

    Apr 19, 2018
    Its always great to hear that people like the work we've done. Sadly, our lights are not yet something the particle system can emit.
    eniliosarcos and foxnne like this.
  44. Chris_Chu


    Unity Technologies

    Apr 19, 2018
    Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I think there may be a bug with the way lights above one are rendering with SDR. For now you will have to enable HDR on the lightweight asset if you want to get rid of the banding.
    EvOne likes this.
  45. DavidNLN


    Sep 27, 2018
    Amm good to hear, Guess we'll do it old school for now ^^
    The package looks awesome right now, any public roadmap available ?
    foxnne likes this.
  46. SomehowLuke


    Nov 11, 2015
    Hi, with 2d Lights: is there a way to give the darkness a tiled texture? Right now when I turn of the lights, all turns black of course but I would like to give the darkness some kind of roughness (like a fog of war) . Is that possible or do I have to work with masks?
    foxnne likes this.
  47. Chris_Chu


    Unity Technologies

    Apr 19, 2018
    I'm sorry to say, while we do have plans for 2D lights, we don't have a roadmap to share at the moment.

    Hm, depending on what you want to do, you might be able to achieve this effect with masks. Do you have an example of this effect that you could post?
  48. SomehowLuke


    Nov 11, 2015
    Hi and thanks for the answer. I try to explain what I want to achieve, but if it does not work, I will setup a sample to explain it further.

    Once I set the LWRP with 2D Rendering everything turns black (which is perfect) and then I add for example a Point light where things get rendered inside the radius. I have moving objects that move from A to B to X and I only want it to be seen inside the light radius.
    So far so good and with the current lights it works perfect.
    Now I want to go a little further. I dont want to have the black shadow for the unlit parts, I would like to have a texture for the black (for example some kind of noise). In that way the unlit parts of the level would have some kind of structure instead of being totally black.

    What I have tried so far:
    I tried to set a global 2D light, that affects only the background with very low intensity. But unlit sprites are also seeable in black but what I would like is them to be transperent.

    What I want to try next:
    I would add a radial Mask to the light source itself so the sprites will only be rendered inside the light and not be seen outside its radius. I would need to use Alpha Mask Asset to achieve a nice fade out at the mask border.

    My question is, if there is a way with the 2D lights to achieve that without an additional mask it would be easier to do.
    1. Is there a way to give the black (unlit areas) a texture
    2. Is there a way to tell the sprite-shader that unlit pixels of an sprite should be not rendered, in that way I would keep my current setup with the slightly lit background and set the moving elements to the adjusted sprite shader.

    Hope that explains what I want to achieve.

  49. arkogelul


    Nov 14, 2016
    Is the 2D renderer improving performances for 2D games in any way ? (I'm not using lights in unity)
  50. sachanhardik


    Apr 13, 2018
    ETA for fixing the bug with isometric tilemaps?