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Error running MLDB install - Lumin SDK 0.19.0

Discussion in 'AR' started by JulienGuenard, Feb 12, 2019.

  1. JulienGuenard


    Feb 4, 2019

    I have this problem when I try to build and run :

    Error running MLDB install

    For information :
    > Unity version
    >> 2018.1.9f2-MLTP10

    > Build Settings :
    >> Lumin SDK Location : ...\MagicLeap\mlsdk\v0.19.0
    >> Sign Package checked

    > Certificate and key are in the same folder, before Assets folder, certificate is in player settings
    > Headset, joystick and lumin packages are up to date
    > USB linked between lightpack and PC
    > OS : Win10
  2. ethermammoth


    Nov 28, 2010
    Try to update the MLOne. Had that error too when the versions did not match. If you update the glasses to latest version it should work. Unfortunately the ML Update process goes through each version so if your glasses are still on version 0.17 they first need to update to version 0.18, then 0.19 after.. Sometimes it takes a few minutes till the next update "is available" or shown in the glasses. So if you do not have the option to update you might have to wait a bit ~15min.

    You can find the update under settings->Device->"Update now" - if the button is not available try to wait a bit (also make sure the glasses are connected to the internet).

    If the update never shows you might need to manually update.
    Here's more info: