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Enemy dissapearing in VR just in build using SteamVR for HTC VIVE

Discussion in 'VR' started by dienat, Jul 4, 2019.

  1. dienat


    May 27, 2016
    I am using Unity 2018.3 and steamvr with htc vive and i notice that enemy dissapears in VR usually when i press menu button, i realize when i press that button Unity calls OnApplicationQuit dont know why, though the game is not quitting. The most strange is that it doesnt always happen but usually when i press menu button the enemy dissapears. I debugged it and the enemy is still there, i made a debug in the update function of a script attached to the enemy and shows the position of the enemy, which follows the player, but the enemy cant be seen or hit.
    I have the Skinned mesh renderer set to "Update when offscreen" and also the animator to "Always animate", and i have not Occlusion culling activated. This only happens in the build, in editor works fine. Anyone has any idea why this could happen?