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Resolved Emissive Lighting problem

Discussion in 'Global Illumination' started by Manello, Mar 20, 2022.

  1. Manello


    Dec 14, 2014
    So I did set up a crystal object which has an emissive material attached to it.
    All objects you can see in this picture are static, so the lighting can be baked onto it.
    However, as you can see the lighting from the emissive material just spreads as far as it wants without any fall-off.
    Plus, it looks like it only works on the default cube correctly, on my custom floor it just completely messes up.


    Now I have tried many settings and I am still completely clueless why the emissive light has an infinite range + why it so "chunky" on my floor.
    The only explanation I would have is that emissive stuff doesn't work well with low poly models as the lightmap might be vertice based.

    If anyone has a clue on what is going on here please let me know.
    (Version 2020.3.11f1)

    Attached Files:

  2. kristijonas_unity


    Unity Technologies

    Feb 8, 2018
    I suspect that your custom floor mesh is either lacking lightmap UVs, or the lightmap resolution for it is very low. Have you authored the lightmap UVs yourself? If not, you can have Unity generate those for you in the Mesh Importer settings.

    As for the lightmap scale, the easiest way to check would be to enable Baked Lightmap scene view debug mode. Checker overlay should make it easy to gauge the lightmap resolution of that mesh.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2022
    Manello likes this.
  3. Manello


    Dec 14, 2014
    Thank you very much! I missed the lightmap UV generation.
    I thought Unity would generate the lightmap UVs as it bakes the lights!
    kristijonas_unity likes this.