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Question Efficient use of Job System with Scene converted entities. Do Scenes convert outside of ECS?

Discussion in 'C# Job System' started by BenjaminApprill, Sep 23, 2022.

  1. BenjaminApprill


    Aug 1, 2022
    I am working on some Job Systems for my game, but I am curious if the Scene converts GameObjects and their Components into entities and components, without ECS.

    I am hoping that they do, and the memory arrangement can be leveraged somehow in the Job System.

    Saving all of the same entities together in memory makes sense, even outside of DOTS/ECS, but I can't remember if Unity does this conversion by default, or if it only works on authored entities in the Scene...

    If the Scene does this by default, I am curious if the Job System already intelligently takes advantage of the organization in memory.