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Easier Clean Code with Scriptable Framework!

Discussion in 'Getting Started' started by JakHussain, Jan 16, 2020.

  1. JakHussain


    Oct 20, 2016
    I've recently updated my open source modularity toolkit called Scriptable Framework. It's insprired by Scriptable Object Architecture as described by Ryan Hipple in Unite 2017 and the 5 SOLID programming principals and is especially helpful to artists and designers. Check it out here:

    Docs can be found here:

    I have a scoped registry set up for you to install it via the package manager and I'm using Docfx to generate my documentation in the exact same way Unity does for their packages.

    What makes this special compared to similar interpretations of SO architecture is my intentional separation of reference types and value types where value type containers have custom default values. This gives you additional flexibility by forcing your data to initialise with your own default values even before the awake call.

    It's also much easier to to use the C# Job system with this because you can emulate ECS style work flows and directly convert my collections into native arrays.

    Ive also added a number of useful utilities I think most people would appreciate.

    I'm happy to hear any feedback or criticism anyone might have so please take a look!