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DownloadDependenciesAsync fails on upgraded project 1.1.7

Discussion in 'Addressables' started by hanniiel, Aug 3, 2019.

  1. hanniiel


    Jun 14, 2013
    Hello there, (I'm trying to move Addressables data into another project)
    I recently moved all assets from my project to another one, the steps I did :

    Steps I followed:
    0.- created empty project then moved all here.
    1.- Addressables assets package installed (1.1.7) previous version I had was 0.8.6.
    2.-copied/moved my folder with all the assets I use for addressables and dependencies.
    3.-copied/moved the folder AddressablesAssetData.
    4.-All data, labels seem to be okay.

    The problem:
    When I Load an asset by path is instantiated but when I use GetDownloadSizeAsync/DownloadDependenciesAsync exception error is thrown : KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

    I don't know what's going on. can't I reuse addressables into another project?

    I also tried:
    copying same folder-deleted all except AddressablesData/Settings/Assets for addressables and getting same error. KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
    where is stored? I also tried to copy assets from library/contentcatalog to my other project without success.

    Note: It's not the Unity Version nor Addressables version, I'm getting this error in every project I create o re-use.

    Thanks in advance.
    Image attached below.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 3, 2019
  2. unity_bill


    Apr 11, 2017
    Let me lay out some steps, and make sure I'm understanding what happens...

    1. Set up a group to be remotely hosted
    2. Build Player Content
    3. Enter play mode in Packed Mode
    4. call GetDownloadSizeAsync("M1P1") ---> KeyNotFoundException
    5. call LoadAssetsAsync("M1P1") ---> works fine.

    is that right? that after building, and playing in packed mode, you can call those two methods with the exact same key, and get one to fail?

    If that is the case, I may need you to file a ticket against Unity with a repro project. It sounds like during a copy from one project to another, there could be some bit of data we're not properly resetting.
  3. hanniiel


    Jun 14, 2013

    Tried locally and Remotely and failed not because addressables but my fault, however first time I open the app, and try to download bundle Exception is thrown url not found, but it works on browser then I close app re-open try to download and It works.

    thanks in advance
  4. unity_bill


    Apr 11, 2017
    1. open app - KeyNotFoundException
    2. check URL in browser
    3. open app - works


    What if you do this:

    1. open app - KeyNotFoundException
    2. open app - ?

    1. check URL in browser
    2. open app - ?

    We've seen some issues around fresh builds having problems initializing, but have been unable to find a clear repro so far. If you have something that can consistently reproduce, filing a Unity bug with a repro project would be a huge help.