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DoozyUI: Complete UI Management System

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by AlexMares, Apr 13, 2016.


Would you like to see a free version of DoozyUI with limited features?

Poll closed May 12, 2016.
  1. Yes

    1 vote(s)
  2. No

    2 vote(s)
  1. AlexMares


    Mar 4, 2015
    Hi @warpedsenses,

    For a proper setup make sure every UIView has a 'Behavior at Start' and that the UINodes are set to show and also hide views.

    When previewing, the DOTTween will not reset my view back to the original spot, it will leave it at 0,0,0.
    This is the intended behavior. When testing out animations, you will want to have the UIView in its runtime position and see exactly what is happening. Remembering the position in the scene view while editing would only add the potential for issues while designing the UI.
    The main idea is that a designer will always preview one UIView at a time, thus once he/she is happy with the animation, then the UIView can be moved wherever in the scene.

    When running the project, it will always load the bottom view in the hierarchy, even while in the graph it says it activated the right UI Node (which is connected to another view, the right one)
    That is the default way Unity sorts the UI (via the Hierarchy). Of course one can always override the sorting layer name and order via the Canvas components.
  2. Stranger-Games


    May 10, 2014
    Hi @allemaar

    I just got this great asset from humblebundle because I needed to update an older project's menu UI and DoozyUI seems great choice.
    However the project is using unity 2017.2.5, so is there a way to download earlier versions of DoozyUI with support for unity 2017?
  3. SpyrosUn


    Nov 20, 2016
    Hi !

    I am using the 2019 version and was watching a year old youtube video. I am not seeing the Navigation part on the onclick dropdown of a uibutton. How do i connect it so that it opens up my dialog using show/hide ? Do i need a graph controller for every button that opens up a new dialog box ?

    Like, if i have 4 buttons in game and i want to open up a dialog for each onclick event, would i need to create a graph controller for each ? Or just use an onclick event for each button ? What is the intended Doozy way ? And if the latter is the case, how do i do it through the actual UIButton component ? I do not see any other way than
    OnTrigger->UnityEvent (no show/hide view option that i see)

    Thanks !
  4. drewdough


    Oct 5, 2016

    How can I open 2 UIDrawers at once?
    I know I can do it via code, but I want it to work with the built-in gestures system.
    I have 2 drawers in scene. When one drawer is open, the gestures are not detected on the other.

    PS - I have previously purchased the deprecated UIDrawer + DoozyUI packages seperately.
    I just now saw you deprecated both of these.
    I bought the new version as I'd like to support you, however, how should I migrate from the old UIDrawer + DoozyUI to this new package?

    Thanks for your help!

  5. lumeriith


    Sep 12, 2018
    Hey, I'm using the latest version of Unity and just got DoozyUI on my hands and it's been great experience so far!

    I have one question though: What's the best way to make a button activate from a key press?
    There's "Input Mode" dropdown box to set a Key Code that clicks the button, but this is only the case when the button is activated/focused. I want a button to click whenever a specific key for that button is pressed.
    I have currently implemented this feature by calling a seperate GameEvent with "Key To Game Event" component and assigning same behaviour on the game event on Nody Graph.
    I'm wondering whether this is the way I'm supposed to do or there's a better way.

    Thanks for the help in advance!

  6. andyz


    Jan 5, 2010
    Is Doozy UI basically a layer on top of UGUI to make some things easier? The documentation intro seems to be missing!
    Does it have any style system built in so you can set a style for each control from a style sheet, as that is one of the main missing features of the built in system?
  7. dmarot


    Jul 24, 2019
    This may be the stupidest question ever but what UIbutton & UINode do I use to hide a menu so I can access it through another button (to activate menu) which is nested in a canvas which is using the camera to render. I want a button to bring up the menu & one to close it. I am an artist, no coder but I've gotten the hang of using Playmaker. I've tried to use game event nodes to hide & deactivate the main UIView, but neither methods work. The menu will works perfectly 1st go around until I exit the menu (through every of the many, many methods I have tried), as every time I exit & deactivate UIView, or hide, etc., it is stuck on a menu item in nody, and when I try to reactivate, or show, etc. UIView, it is stuck.. everytime in either with a partial menu, or a bunch of buttons that don't work. I have spent way too much time on what should be really simple.. Seems like I've seen every video, but nothing to show right way of doing what should be one of the most simple & important features. Can someone please explain what I am missing?? Thank you soooooooomuch to anyone who can shed a little light
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2019
  8. vincewins


    Dec 19, 2016
    Using unity 2018.4.11f1:
    This Asset is either broken or simply incompatible with some assets (like FlowCanvas I think).

    It loads my prefabs (who have nothing to do with this Asset) over and over again, forever...
    Whenever that happens, I have to force-kill Unity and lose all my progress...

    Also, I tend to have errors in console after a while of usage of "Nody" and UI-errors, that I reported to the dev already.

    It seems the developer has turned quiet as of now.
  9. Adrad


    Mar 4, 2015

    You should use their website for support. Most developers of bigger assets don't use the Unity forums for support. Since they only check the forums once or twice a week at that. Depending on if the forums actually sent a notice to them. Allemaar is really busy. Not to make excuse's for him. But I have noticed he doesn't check the forums that often. But I guarantee he is not "Quiet" .
  10. shahzaib


    Dec 14, 2013
    I got Doozy UI last week and man I'm loving it! I'm facing a little problem, I'm trying to stack multiple move animations on UIView and UIButton component but it seems DoozyUI allow for one animation only, am I doing something wrong? If so, how can I use multiple animations without coding my own animation controller for playing other animations?

    Thought to put my issue here maybe someone could help me figure out the problem.

  11. User4657


    Jul 29, 2019
    Good day @allemaar
    I tried replacing the previously bulky and hard coded GUI logic of an RPG type game and got some results pretty quickly, which is great.

    The only feature I'd really like to see is a setting for the number of in-/outputs of SubGraphNodes like we have with SwitchBackNodes: With a button "Add input" and "Add output" for the SubgraphNode, one could add additional connections both to the SubGraphNode as well as the corresponding Enter- and ExitNode.
  12. Pixel2015


    Mar 10, 2016
    Hi great asset and enjoying working with it, however I have one question. What is the best way to share data between different UIViews? There doesn't seem to be a good way to pass data from one view to the next one or am I missing something?

    I know I can obviously go outside of Doozy and just reference some data container in all the views but asking to see if there is some other way to pass data through nodegraph or any other way.
    Luchianno likes this.
  13. somosky


    Feb 15, 2014
    So I'm making a multiplayer game and using the UIPopups. However both players are shown the UI popup. I used the example UIpopup script to make the UIPopups work which I believe works as a singleton. If instead of using it as a singleton I reference the UI popup manager directly will this allow me to only populate the UIPopup on the player that is supposed to see the popup?
  14. vincewins


    Dec 19, 2016
    I am not an expert in UNET questions, but from my understanding, you should build your popup notification methods so they can be used as an RPC, which again can have different targets.
  15. RoyalCoder


    Oct 4, 2013
    Hi @allemaar ,

    I tried to update Doozy to latest version 3.1.0, but I got some errors, I deleted the old Doozy system from my project and after reimport, I get this error:
    Code (CSharp):
    1. Assets\DoozyInstaller\Editor\Scripts\InstallerProcessor.cs(71,12): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Editor' does not exist in the namespace 'Doozy' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
    P.S: I'm using Unity 201.3.0b9
    How can I fix this, thanks in advance!

    ->removed from my project:
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2019
  16. galloper


    Aug 5, 2017
    Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but is it possible, while using Nody for transferring between UI Views, to set a check for condition first so that it won't show the next UI View if the condition is false (for example)?
  17. novaVision


    Nov 9, 2014
    I just found the issue on Android X devices - when user changes the device orientation, UI elements positions/scale brokes. Turning device many times sometimes fix it, sometimes cause the issue again. What's the problem here? Why it appears only on Android X devices? All previous devices works well
  18. OSahin


    Nov 1, 2018
    Hi there!
    I believe DoozyUI 3 UIPopup is not currently supported with Playmaker actions. Can we expect actions for the UIPopup anytime soon or ever? If there is a solution please can someone direct me to it.
  19. pjenness


    Mar 3, 2013
    Not sure where to ask...but here goes:

    I'm making some buttons which I am placing into a scene world space. However I want them to behave as if they were screen space.
    For example. I need them to
    • Be positional around a 3d model (ie world space)
    • Always be rendered on top
    • Always Align to face camera (ie, as walk around the 3d space they are rotating to face camera so I never look behind them)
    • Always have same screen space size (ie..they do not get bigger as you get closer, or smaller as you move away) either:
    • World space, with visual properties of screen/camera space orientation/scale
    • or
    • Screen Space, but positioned on screen based on something in the world
    What would be the best solution? Is there an option already implemented in doozy for this?


  20. Pixel2015


    Mar 10, 2016
    Hi since we got this fast play mode activation without domain reload in 2019.3 I have a question are you going to update Doozy to work with it? At the moment it is almost impossible since Doozy is heavily statically typed/referenced so there is no easy way to fix it to work without domain reload.

    This is an huge issue as going from 30-60s to start playmode to 1s starting is a huge time saver and something that can end up with us removing Doozy from within the project at at the end the time saved with it would be no longer worth it actually quite the opposite. :(
  21. DavidLe360


    Dec 24, 2018
    EDIT: i found the cause of the errors: it has kind of conflict with this 'Ui Grpah' ( asset.

    Having Ui Graph asset alone, or DoozyUi alone, there is no problem for both. But when having both of them installed, lost of errors appear.

    So any Solution to have DoozyUi installed with Ui Graph?

    Hi, i just buy the asset. It looks better then NGUI.

    Can't wait to try it, but I got lots of errors:

    Code (CSharp):
    1. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\Nody\Nodes\EnterNode.cs:51] 'EnterNode.OnEnter(Node, Connection)':
    2. no suitable method found to override
    3. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\Nody\Nodes\ExitNode.cs:51] 'ExitNode.OnEnter(Node, Connection)':
    4. no suitable method found to override
    5. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\Nody\Nodes\StartNode.cs:51] 'StartNode.OnEnter(Node, Connection)':
    6. no suitable method found to override
    7. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\Nody\Nodes\SubGraphNode.cs:65] 'SubGraphNode.OnEnter(Node, Connection)':
    8. no suitable method found to override
    9. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\UI\Nodes\ActivateLoadedScenesNode.cs:48] 'ActivateLoadedScenesNode.OnEnter(Node, Connection)':
    10. no suitable method found to override
    11. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\UI\Nodes\ApplicationQuitNode.cs:39] 'ApplicationQuitNode.OnEnter(Node, Connection)':
    12. no suitable method found to override
    13. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\Nody\Nodes\SwitchBackNode.cs:134] 'SwitchBackNode.OnEnter(Node, Connection)':
    14. no suitable method found to override
    15. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\UI\Nodes\BackButtonNode.cs:52] 'BackButtonNode.OnEnter(Node, Connection)':
    16. no suitable method found to override
    17. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\UI\Nodes\GameEventNode.cs:49] 'GameEventNode.OnEnter(Node, Connection)':
    18. no suitable method found to override
    19. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\UI\Nodes\LoadSceneNode.cs:61] 'LoadSceneNode.OnEnter(Node, Connection)':
    20. no suitable method found to override
    21. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\UI\Nodes\PortalNode.cs:236] 'PortalNode.OnEnter(Node, Connection)':
    22. no suitable method found to override
    23. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\UI\Nodes\RandomNode.cs:47] 'RandomNode.OnEnter(Node, Connection)':
    24. no suitable method found to override
    25. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\UI\Nodes\SoundNode.cs:88] 'SoundNode.OnEnter(Node, Connection)':
    26. no suitable method found to override
    27. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\UI\Nodes\ThemeNode.cs:71] 'ThemeNode.OnEnter(Node, Connection)':
    28. no suitable method found to override
    29. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\UI\Nodes\TimeScaleNode.cs:74] 'TimeScaleNode.OnEnter(Node, Connection)':
    30. no suitable method found to override
    31. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\UI\Nodes\UIDrawerNode.cs:62] 'UIDrawerNode.OnEnter(Node, Connection)':
    32. no suitable method found to override
    33. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\UI\Nodes\UINode.cs:239] 'UINode.OnEnter(Node, Connection)':
    34. no suitable method found to override
    35. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\UI\Nodes\UINode.cs:258] 'UINode.OnExit(Node, Connection)':
    36. no suitable method found to override
    37. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\UI\Nodes\UnloadSceneNode.cs:63] 'UnloadSceneNode.OnEnter(Node, Connection)':
    38. no suitable method found to override
    39. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\UI\Nodes\UnloadSceneNode.cs:74] 'UnloadSceneNode.OnExit(Node, Connection)':
    40. no suitable method found to override
    41. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\UI\Nodes\WaitNode.cs:193] 'WaitNode.OnEnter(Node, Connection)':
    42. no suitable method found to override
    43. [Error] [Assets\Doozy\Engine\UI\Nodes\WaitNode.cs:210] 'WaitNode.OnExit(Node, Connection)':
    44. no suitable method found to override

    -I'm using unity2019_2_11_f1
    - have installed DOTween

    Thanks in advanced.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2019
  22. novaVision


    Nov 9, 2014
    @allemaar I have submitted an issue ticket No 1100, but it seems support doesn't respond well.

    I got an issue related to 2.9 to 3.1 migration. Somehow all my screens are triggered on orientation change... Broke my mind trying to find the issue. Here is a video footage
    Maybe someone else experienced the same problem?
  23. atomicjoe


    Apr 10, 2013
    I'm on Unity 2019.3.of1 and DoozyUI doesn't install correctly:
    Code (CSharp):
    1. Assets\Doozy\Editor\Nody\Windows\NodyWindowContextMenus.cs(120,55): error CS1061: 'NodeMenu' does not contain a definition for 'Order' and no accessible extension method 'Order' accepting a first argument of type 'NodeMenu' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    2. Assets\Doozy\Editor\Nody\Windows\NodyWindowContextMenus.cs(126,35): error CS1061: 'NodeMenu' does not contain a definition for 'AddSeparatorBefore' and no accessible extension method 'AddSeparatorBefore' accepting a first argument of type 'NodeMenu' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    3. Assets\Doozy\Editor\Nody\Windows\NodyWindowContextMenus.cs(127,74): error CS1061: 'NodeMenu' does not contain a definition for 'MenuName' and no accessible extension method 'MenuName' accepting a first argument of type 'NodeMenu' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    4. Assets\Doozy\Editor\Nody\Windows\NodyWindowContextMenus.cs(128,35): error CS1061: 'NodeMenu' does not contain a definition for 'AddSeparatorAfter' and no accessible extension method 'AddSeparatorAfter' accepting a first argument of type 'NodeMenu' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    5. Assets\Doozy\Editor\Nody\Windows\NodyWindowContextMenus.cs(186,76): error CS0311: The type 'NodeMenu' cannot be used as type parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'ReflectionUtils.GetAttribute<T>(Type, out T)'. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'NodeMenu' to 'System.Attribute'.
    6. Assets\Doozy\Editor\Nody\Windows\NodyWindowContextMenus.cs(186,122): error CS1061: 'NodeMenu' does not contain a definition for 'MenuName' and no accessible extension method 'MenuName' accepting a first argument of type 'NodeMenu' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    I know it's not the author's fault, but knowing Unity breaks complex systems like this every time they update the Unity Editor, it's making me back away from lots of purchases from the asset store.
    I just can't trust a complex system will still work on future unity versions.
  24. Dylan83


    Sep 18, 2013
    Did you find the solution for this? I have this problem too.
  25. EmeralLotus


    Aug 10, 2012
  26. daschatten


    Jul 16, 2015
    I get an error with 2019.3.0f4 and Doozy:

    mrnicksmith likes this.
  27. SLASH24


    Sep 20, 2012
    hello, I have a question about doozyUI before purchasing, is it easy to setup a menu in which the player/user navigates with keys or buttons, intead of pointer/cursor, (like a mouse) ?
  28. mrnicksmith


    Sep 21, 2019
    Did you receive an answer on this. I am getting this with 2019.3.0f3 as well:
    UnityException: StartTracker is not allowed to be called from a ScriptableObject constructor (or instance field initializer), call it in OnEnable instead. Called from ScriptableObject 'StartNodeEditor'.
    See "Script Serialization" page in the Unity Manual for further details.
  29. daschatten


    Jul 16, 2015
    Not yet...
  30. GeniousHC


    May 2, 2013
  31. galloper


    Aug 5, 2017
    Hello again, I have a question about using UIButton with UIViews: let's say we have a UIButton on one UIView and when you press it, it switches to another UIView. Pretty standard stuff. Now is there a way to make sure that the button will first play out it's "on click" animation till the end and only then deactivate the first UIView?
    There are switches "trigger events after animation" and "click mode", but setting it to delayed doesn't seem to affect this behaviour in any meaningful way. Even if I set button's animation to 10 seconds (for the sake of testing) and set the "after" checkmark and "delayed" mode, it still switches to next UIView instantly. Guess it's because UIView is handled separately? It has to wait for button animation on a global scale if the checkmark/delayed is set.
    Kolb7 likes this.
  32. King_of_L1mbs


    Jun 15, 2019
    Hi, all. Looking for some help with 2.9:
    How can I adjust the volume of the UISounds?
    I can't find Doozy's audio source to add it to my custom audio manager which handles the rest of the game.
  33. AlexMares


    Mar 4, 2015
    We've made a fix for that and you can get it from Discord or from this post.

    Attached Files:

    Colin_MacLeod likes this.
  34. Colin_MacLeod


    Feb 11, 2014

    I'm working on an extension to UINode that others may be interested in. The idea is we only hide views on exit if they are not marked to show on the next active node.

    You might have a node with a view you want to show above another node's views - like a popup or a dialog.

    The only way to do this with Nody at the moment is not hide the views for the main node, but then remember to hide them on entry to all other nodes apart from the dialog node.

    This change keeps the graph much cleaner. You simply mark them to hide in the main node as you normally would, and as long as they are marked to show in the dialog node, you don't need to do anything else to any other nodes. When the dialog appears, the shared views are not hidden - they just stay there.

    Does that make sense?

    We're implementing this in OnExit of a UINode subclass but if you think this functionality could be useful to others (maybe with a switch to turn the feature on/off), I'd be happy to share the code and maybe we could incorporate it (or something similar) in UINode itself.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2020
  35. AlexMares


    Mar 4, 2015

    This sounds interesting. I would like to take a look at your implementation to see exactly how the UI flows with it. And then test to see if the custom editors can be made to work with this particular approach.

    Can you please open a ticket related to this?
  36. PlayingKarrde


    Aug 19, 2013
    I'm trying to get my head around how to properly implement sub-graphs. At first glance they act like ways to self-contain areas of the UI (basically placing individual flows into separate graphs then using the parent graph to go between them) but this doesn't appear to be usable in this way. Because there is only one entry and exit point, you can never come out of the graph any other way than from one point. So let's say I have a screen with two buttons and they each go to different flows I cannot set one button to exit and go to a flow and another to go to a different one. They both will only connect to the exit node.

    So I thought maybe using portal nodes would be a good work around and just firing game events to move around. However, the game events from within sub-graphs don't appear to affect the parent node at all. This seems also very strange to me. Is this the intended behaviour?

    Anyway, I guess my question is, based on my assumptions what am I doing wrong here? I don't want to have a mess of a parent graph that has connections all over the place, but sub-graphs don't seem to be useful if they don't support this seemingly fundamental feature.

    Or perhaps I'm just thinking about this all in the wrong way?
  37. AlexMares


    Mar 4, 2015

    SubGraphs were mainly designed to help reduce the overall complexity of a graph. You use a SubGraph Node to activate an SubGraph. Note that once a SubGraph is active, the PortalNodes inside the graph that contains it (a level up) will get disabled.

    You can always have two or more parallel graphs work at the same time (activated by different GraphControllers). Also, if a GraphControler gets disabled (SetActive(false)) then the graph it controls will also be disabled.

    Are you looking to have PortalNodes active regardless if they are in the 'main' graph or its subgraphs?
  38. Colin_MacLeod


    Feb 11, 2014
    But don't you then have to duplicate a lot of the nodes between the two graphs? In the interests of DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself - I think copying/pasting nodes between graphs can cause a lot of "oh I forgot I had to change it over there too".

    Why can't subgraphs work in the same way as Mecanim Sub-State Machines? They have the same situation and provide a way to wire into specfiic nodes on the sub-state machine.

    On another completely unrelated note of consistency, you have to hold space to pan the Nody window which doesn't work at all well on the Mac. On a Mac, I find I need to hold shift-Space. It doesn't work at all if you start pressing this before you have clicked on Nody.

    The best all round solution would be to use 4-way scroll, with shift-scroll for zoom. If you try it on a Mac with touchpad or Magic Mouse, you'll see what I mean - it's how the interface was designed to work on macOS. You can swipe around the space really quickly.

    Failing this, in Unity the standard modifier is Alt/Option, which invokes pan in both Mecanim and Scene. I know you have assigned that to "Delete" but if 4-way scrolling is not an option could you please, please, please revert to this as the Unity standard and use a different modifier for delete? That would make context switching between unity tabs and Nody a lot more intuitive.

    I'm loving using Nody - thank you so much. It's made a huge difference to our app, which has a lot of views. Now, we can see in realtime what's happening and it's really fast to make flow changes. These are just a few suggestions from the field that I think would take it to the next level.
  39. Colin_MacLeod


    Feb 11, 2014
    Sure - I've done that just now.
  40. PlayingKarrde


    Aug 19, 2013
    Yes I think that would solve the issue I'm encountering. I guess the reason I'm not seeing much use for sub-graphs is I may want to have different views within that sub-graph go to different places or indeed have other places go to a specific point within a sub-graph. As it stands right now the subgraph is only usable as a container for a very linear flow. I can see why it is there for that reason but could be much more powerful.

    Allowing portal nodes to go to anywhere whether it be in the same graph, parent graph or sub graph would most definitely make this much more usable. As it stands I will have to make my entire flow in the one graph. Not the end of the world as this specific project isn't HUGE but for games I've worked on in the past this would be a nightmare.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2020
  41. PlayingKarrde


    Aug 19, 2013
    I was thinking more like a macro in UE4's blueprints would be good. So I can wire a bunch of nodes to my end node within a subgraph and then in the parent graph it would show two nodes and I can wire up from there. Ideally I could have multiple points on the entry too and the Start node would then hook up the flow from there. The subgraph node in the parent graph would show where the input and output nodes connect to. I think this would be an extremely useful and powerful addition to subgraphs personally.
    Colin_MacLeod likes this.
  42. fau7


    Jan 24, 2018
    Hi allemaar. I wanted ask you about something about the serialized graph asset.
    Do you have a parity check between the node's m_Script(guid) property and the m_id?
    I could not find the logic in the code.

    I would be extremely grateful if you could please help me with this.
  43. RichardSim


    Dec 15, 2013
    @allemaar: I see this too on the latest version with 2019.3.1f1, when Doozy is deleted and then re-installed. The workaround (as the csproj files from the quoted message don't exist) was to import the Doozy package manually (from DoozyInstaller/Editor/data/ or something). You've got a dependency in the installer on the package that it hasn't installed yet! Surprised that the issue is still around as the quoted message is from over 3 months ago!

    *edit: It looks like the issue is because of the define dUI_MANAGER remaining in Edit > Project Settings > Player > Scripting Define Symbols from the previous install.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
    Greviouss, HypnotistDK and nnoom1986 like this.
  44. Iron-Sight


    May 31, 2017
    Question: what is the preferred way to do a tooltip with DoozyUI? I need to create a tooltip that appears when the user hovers mouse over an element?
    Patrick_Rainer likes this.
  45. Patrick_Rainer


    Feb 26, 2018
    Hey. What would be the best way to hide a UIView if is clicked outside the panel? Similar like with the PopUp.

    Thanks for a Feedback.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2020
  46. Patrick_Rainer


    Feb 26, 2018
    Hey, I would have an additional Question:

    Does DooziUI have a built in system for blocking "physic raycasts" by the UI?

    Hoping for your Feedback.

    Last edited: Mar 5, 2020
  47. Nasiou


    Mar 15, 2020
    I'm trying to animate a UIButton to move along the Z axis On Pointer Enter but it doesn't seem to work. Is that by design or is it a bug?

  48. burc_sunday


    Jan 7, 2020
    Hi, we needed to update our project to 2019.3.5f1 and Doozy lost it's references to textmesh pro, dotween and master audio. So I downloaded the latest version of Doozy to update everything and enable them on Doozy Settings.

    The thing is, I had lots of errors on console after I update Doozy:

    Assets/Doozy/Examples/Scripts/Editor/UIButtonAutomatedTextValueEditor.cs(4,13): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Editor' does not exist in the namespace 'Doozy' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

    Assets/Doozy/Examples/Scripts/Editor/UIButtonAutomatedTextValueEditor.cs(5,13): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Editor' does not exist in the namespace 'Doozy' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

    Assets/Doozy/Examples/Scripts/Editor/UIButtonAutomatedTextValueEditor.cs(15,53): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'BaseEditor' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

    Assets/Doozy/Examples/Scripts/Editor/UIButtonAutomatedTextValueEditor.cs(19,33): error CS0115: 'UIButtonAutomatedTextValueEditor.OnEnable()': no suitable method found to override

    Assets/Doozy/Examples/Scripts/Editor/UIButtonAutomatedTextValueEditor.cs(26,30): error CS0115: 'UIButtonAutomatedTextValueEditor.OnInspectorGUI()': no suitable method found to override

    I also can't enable TextMesh and Master Audio on Doozy settings (both say "Not Installed" even though they're installed), but i suppose it has something to do with the stopped compilation caused by the errors on the console.

    EDIT: Backing up Doozy Settings under Engine/Resources, deleting Doozy UI, reimporting Doozy UI and restoring backups of Settings fixed the issue.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2020
  49. lordzeon


    Jun 1, 2018
    Hi @allemaar, i understand Doozy uses DoTween internally for the animations, i have a complex UI animation with parenting changes and use of local and world coordinates to get it correctly and also the timescale is custom, but for simplicity sake UI view Animation System is used to prototype it, but now i would like to have manual control over , show, view and hide animations. I was wondering if it would be possible to get the Tween or sequence created for the view so i could set the unscaled time by code to sync with the rest.
  50. Pixel2015


    Mar 10, 2016
    Latest few version always crash during installation at null exception. I have not even a single popup in my database at the moment.