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Design space for Admob Banner

Discussion in 'Android' started by Antonio_Ketch, Aug 30, 2018.

  1. Antonio_Ketch


    Nov 3, 2014
    The question is really old. I decide to ask because I still have no good solution for both Android and iOS. I'm trying to make a space at the bottom of screen to put Admob banner. I tried many ways. All of them are going to be stucked.
    I can get height of banner, but I can't get height of screen. It's not Screen.height, Camera.rect.... Because Admob use actual screen size. Screen.height and other are depend on TargetDPI (at PlayerSettings). They're not actual screen size.
    I see many games that developed by Unity3d able to make a nice space to show banner. Do they use a trick? May they make the space is about (15% of screen height)? Someone know a good solution for mobile (android and ios), please guide me. I've took 2-3 years to find a good solution :mad: