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[Deprecated] Master Audio Multiplayer - the ONLY multiplayer audio solution! Use Photon / Mirror!

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by jerotas, Dec 23, 2016.

  1. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    No problem, it was quite fast to add.
  2. Vanidash-Studios


    Mar 9, 2016
    Assets/Plugins/Editor/DarkTonic/MasterAudio/MasterAudioInspector.cs(106,46): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `PlayModeStateChange' could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

    im using unity 2017.1.1f1

    any quick fix?
  3. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    Yeah, download the latest Unity 2017.2. There's some weird error where the conditional compilation is not working properly I think. Is there a reason you're not on the latest?
  4. Vanidash-Studios


    Mar 9, 2016
    Yeah. actually i was using the latest version but i bought another asset and it was having compiling errors on that version, so i went back to and older version of unity... is there another way to fix this problem?
  5. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    Delete all the "#if UNITY_2017_1_OR_ABOVE" directives, including the #else and #endif, and delete the code between the #else and the #endif. Then it will be using the Unity 2017 intended code no matter what. Just keep the code between the #if and the #else.
  6. Vanidash-Studios


    Mar 9, 2016
  7. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    No problem.
  8. ink13


    Nov 14, 2013
    I'm trying to find the play mode state change assembly / class, even after removing all the pragmas i still have the namespace / type missing error...

    Don't want to update, have three projects all at 2017.1.1f :p
  9. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    Dot-releases are bug fixes mostly, I don't understand that reasoning. You don't want to develop with those bugs there do you?

    I can't really fix it for you, the compile directives themselves don't work properly on the version you have installed. It's not any coding error on my part.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2017
  10. ink13


    Nov 14, 2013
    eh, i just don't want to go through the hassle of updating a bunch of projects, having the team to update to update new versions of unity. is just painful.
    got around it, just commented stuff out till it stopped crying...
    only really using the MasterAudio.PlaySound(string) feature mixed in with some low level stuff... is functional enough to get the job done.
  11. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    Allright, well I'm glad you're sorted.
  12. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    Master Audio pricing has been increased, but the Multiplayer version still costs the same - as a result, the upgrade price is now only $20! Great chance to grab the *only* multiplayer audio solution in town for less than a cheap date :)
  13. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    V 1.1.9 changelog:
    • Fixed bug: Occlusion hit triggers for raycasts code was incomplete.
    • Fixed bug: RelationsInspector code would throw errors in Unity Cloud.
    • Fixed bug: EventSounds logs errors to Console if listening to Custom Events.
    • Fixed bug: MasterAudio.IsTransformPlayingSoundGroup returned wrong results most of the time.
    • Fixed bug: Reloading the current Scene would log errors to Console.
    • Fixed bug: Deleting a Sound Trigger event in Event Sounds was not undo-able.
    • Fixed bug: Duck Groups were not removed from MasterAudio game object when DGSC disabled. Instead they were still there but for "[None]" Sound Group.
    • Fixed bug: Doing a Playlist Controller fade while the music is ducked would first reset the volume back to the pre-ducked volume (louder).
    • Fixed bug: Linked Groups did not show Sound Groups from Dynamic Sound Group Creator game objects in the Scene.
    • Fixed bug: Could not preview any Sound Group in a Dynamic Sound Group Creator if no MasterAudio game object is in the current Scene.
    • Added "Trigger Stay" & "Trigger Stay 2D" event to Event Sounds, with an amount of seconds to wait before performing the audio events.
    • Added "Add Song To Queue" to Event Sounds for Playlist Controllers.
    • Added "GlideByPitch" API to Variation. You specify target pitch and how long the glide takes, with optional callback.
    • Added "GlideByPitch" option to to Sound Group, with optional callback.
    • Added "GlideByPitch" option to to Bus, with optional callback.
    • Added "Glide By Pitch" option to EventSounds script in the Inspector for Play Sound, and to Group Command, and to Bus Command with Raise Pitch and Lower Pitch options.
    • Added "ToggleSoundGroup" and "ToggleSoundGroupOfTransform" API's. They will play the sound if it's not playing and fade/stop it out if it is playing. Also added these options to Event Sounds - Sound Group Command.
    • Fixed compile errors for Unity 2018 and possibly 2017 certain versions?
    • "Use Random Start Position" on each Variation has been renamed to "Use Custom Start/End Position" and now contains another field for "End %" so you can end the clip on a certain percentage.
    • Disabled "loop clip" when using Random Start/End Position, because it wouldn't loop with the clip portion anyway, although we'll try to add this feature later.
    • Looped Chain transitions from one Variation to another are now seamless!
    • End Linked Group transitions are now seamless!
    • Removed "FX Tail Time" and "Add Filter FX" dropdown from Sound Groups. FX Tails and effects should be done on the Unity mixer.
    • Added API to cancel the auto-unsubscribe SoundFinished delegate (if any) on a Variation. To use it, call the following: MasterAudio.GrabGroup("SoundGroupName").WillCleanUpDelegatesAfterStop = false;
    Bartolomeus755 and Inspeinre like this.
  14. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    V 1.2.1 is released! Changelog:

    • Added more RPCs: AddSongToQueue, GlideByPitch on Sound Group & Bus, ToggleSoundGroup & ToggleSoundGroupOfTransform. Event Sounds uses these too.
    • Fixed compile error on Unity 2017.1.
    • Fixed unpause mixer bug with Null Exception.
    • Fixed bug: MasterAudio.TriggerNextPlaylistClip did not do SynchronizeClips correctly for non-layered music with 0 crossfade. It should work like the Next button in Jukebox. It should keep the position, not start at beginning.
    • Fixed bug: Variation pitch would not always reset to original pitch on subsequent plays after GlideByPitch was used.
    • Added "FadeOutAllSoundsOfTransform" to Master Audio API and to EventSounds script.
    • Added "SoundLooped" delegate callback to Variations so you can get notified each time the audio loops back to the beginning.
    • Added "Use Finite Looping" section to Variations so you can loop X times, then it will stop. Also has a Min / Max Loops field to choose a random number within the range.
    • Added Master Audio Clip Manager for Unity 5+! Now you can bulk change import settings for all your audio clips, with file name / path filters and paging.
  15. John-G


    Mar 21, 2013
    Any update on possibly integration with Photon Bolt?
  16. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    Alas, no. My next priority is to do the "no latency Android" native library, which will take awhile. Perhaps after that?
  17. John-G


    Mar 21, 2013
    No worries, will keep my fingers crossed for the future.
    recon0303 and jerotas like this.
  18. recon0303


    Apr 20, 2014
    Can you please change the title to Photon Free or Pun, some friends I sent here before, think its Photon Products....Not every one here, knows its Photon Free....or Pun or what ever.....Photon is much more than Photon Free these days...You have Bolt, Pun, Free, Cloud, etc...and much more coming.... So may want to put Photon Free if that is in fact what it supports, other wise its a little miss-leading .
  19. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    It supports the free one and also PUN. If it was Bolt it would say that. You saying to change the description on the Asset Store? I don't know what Photon Cloud is so it may work with this, I don't know...
  20. recon0303


    Apr 20, 2014
    Just relaying feed back from new users that have looked at your product, I own this one and your other one, I bought your other one years ago. and love it

    But this one I see there point it is a bit miss leading. Which is why people are asking questions .....It says PHOTON. Now of this was before Photon owned other products... or w/e, then I would say its fine, but today Photon today can mean Photon, Bolt, Photon, Free, Photon Pun , Photon Real Time, Photon Quantum
    See Products owned and used by Users.

    Master Audio Multiplayer - the ONLY multiplayer audio solution! Use Photon OR UNET!
  21. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    Didn't know there was so many. I will ask Photon which of the others, if any, will work with the same code and update. Thanks!
    recon0303 and John-G like this.
  22. recon0303


    Apr 20, 2014
    Yup this is why I pointed it out, i see to many people still using the world Photon, and it kinda can throw some people off...Back in the day it was common to say Photon since there was only one....... Now there are many..:) Photon Pun, and Photon, Bolt are the two most used Networking solutions for Unity anyways.

    PS: I doubt others will work with the same code, they are completely different from Unet and Pun.
  23. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    I sent the email to Exit Games and will await their response.

    recon0303 likes this.
  24. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    Well I got word back from Exit Games and got an idea of the Bolt user base, which they told me not to disclose. Unfortunately it's not large for me to spend the time making the Bolt support for MAM (I have a mere 5 hours a week to spend on updating our plugins). Unless we were to sell it separately for like $20 and also require MAM. However I am thinking that Bolt users may balk at paying a total of $80 for a multiplayer audio plugin that supports Bolt when Photon users only have to pay $60. If you Bolt users would be ok with that, let me know, otherwise Bolt support is on the back burner until adoption is significantly larger.
  25. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    Added clarifying text to this thread, our forum and the Asset Store. Thank you for the feedback.
  26. recon0303


    Apr 20, 2014
    I find that odd, that its not big enough, since I been around every networking solution, and they are the most active, and have more released games, on Steam, XB1 and mobile....Unet, is next to nothing released due to how bad it is and its high cost.. But its your tool do as you wish, I will pass this information on, to anyone that ask me about it. since everyone I know does NOT use Unet... They know better....

    anyways best of luck. I will not reply on this matter any longer. and as I said I only use your other tool back in the day, I do not use Bolt with your tool.. nor planned to but I'm sure it may have helped some non coders... its to bad, that didn't work out for you. I wish you all the best,
  27. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    I'm not comparing it to UNET user base (which I actually probably shouldn't have done except that I had more spare time back then and it took only a couple days). I'm comparing it to Photon free / PUN user base and the "market share" is miniscule according to Exit Games - again I can't share the numbers they shared. Much smaller than I was led to believe elsewhere. Not removing from the roadmap, but it's also not moving up in position. There are other things in front of it.
  28. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    V 1.2.2 changelog:

    • Changed the default to not log to the Console when a same-named Master Audio or Playlist Controller is destroyed when you load a new Scene because you already had a persistent one. Also added a new setting to turn this back on for troubleshooting under Persist Between Scenes in Advanced Settings.
    • Fixed compile errors on UFPS integration.
    • Fixed AmbientSounds, the Audio Source was not moving to closest collider point if you had that selected.
    • Fixed bug with Ambient Sounds. Using "child colliders" did not follow the Audio Source.
    • Fixed bug where Master Audio Inspector would show no indication of what error was (duplicate Sound Group name) after the initial popup.
    • Added method MasterAudio.GetNextVariationForSoundGroup that only works for top-to-bottom Variation Sequence. It returns the AudioSource for the next Variation to be played.
    • Moved "Use Spatialize" Advanced Setting under a new heading "VR Settings", that now indicates the chosen Spatializer Plugin in the header.
    • Added support for Resonance Audio in Unity 2018+. Besides "Use Spatializer", there's now a new checkbox in VR Settings for "Spatialize Post FX" which will turn that checkbox on for all Sound Group Audio Sources at runtime. And there are buttons there to add Resonance Audio Source components to every Variation's or remove them, if you install the package mentioned next. Additionally, there's an optional package to install "MA_ResonanceAudio" that will make sure ResonanceAudioSource components get copied back and forth when using DGSC and Sound Group Organizers. Note that you will need to move the ResonanceAudio folder into Assets/Plugins to get this to compile though.
    Bartolomeus755 likes this.
  29. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    V 1.2.3 changelog:
    • Fixed compile error and warning on Unity 2018.2.
    • Now compatible with Bolt Visual Scripting.
  30. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    V 1.2.4 changelist, should be live in 10 minutes.
    • Fixed bug: music was ducking if SFX silent (muted, 0 volume etc).
    • Fixed bug: DGSC Sound Group with same name but different casing would cause error.
    • Fixed bug: Sometimes on Scene load, a persistent MA game object would log an error with Ambient Sounds script.
    • Fixed Inspector bug in Unity 2018.3.
    • Fixed bug: Ambient Sound - created scripts were not updating at Fixed Update when that was selected in Advanced Settings.
    • Breaking change: SongChanged event for PlaylistController now passes an additional parameter, which is the MusicSetting object. You will need to add it to your method signature if you are subscribing to that event. This new parameter lets you grab song metadata and other values from it.
    • Changed minimum Sound retrigger time interval to 0.05 seconds.
    • Added song metadata section for Playlists. Each Playlist can now have its own metadata properties you define. Each property has a name, data type, "is required", and "can have multiple per song" fields. Each song then lets you put values on each metadata property you use.
    • Added "specific variation" textbox to Ambient Sounds so you don't have to play a random one, although you still can.
    • Added mesh sphere gizmo for Ambient Sounds so you can see the audible distance of the Sound Group, and know how close you need to be in Scene view.
    • Added ability to configure Ambient Sound to fade the sound when it's out of range instead of stop abruptly. Useful for 2D sounds only really since you probably wouldn't hear it at the end of its max distance.
    • Added ability to adjust the Max Distance of the Ambient Sound script while seeing the sphere gizmo to represent its size.
    • Fixed bug in vp_Effect (UFPS integration package).
    • Bulk changes for Variations now work differently. No bunch of copy buttons. You just select the Variations you want, change a field and it affects all checked Variations the same.
    • Bulk changes for Songs in a single Playlist now added. You just select the Songs you want, change a field and it affects all checked Songs the same.
    • Removed "Show Variation Gizmos" in Advanced Options. No more 'M' Gizmos. Removed "Show Gizmo" in Event Sounds as well.
    • Added more Visual Settings options in Advanced Options. Show All Range Gizmos, Show Select Range Gizmos, and a color field for each. These control whether you see mesh sphere gizmos for Event Sounds and Ambient Sound showing the max distance of the selected audio.
    • Added "Show Range Gizmo" checkbox in Event Sounds for Play Sound action, and Max Distance slider.
    Bartolomeus755 likes this.
  31. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    I've got a beta for PUN 2 if anyone wants to try it out and is using the PUN 2 product by Photon. Email us or IM.
  32. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    V 1.2.5 changelog:
    • Fixed return value of PlaySound methods to never return a null object.
    • Added PUN 2 package for the new Photon.
    • Changes from Master Audio 4.2.1 - 4.2.2.
  33. wood333


    May 9, 2015
    I was wondering if you have tested Master Audio Multiplayer (MAM) with uMMORPG.

    I ask this because you state MAM can be used with UNET and uMMORPG uses Mirror, which is an open source high level networking API based on UNET Users of UNET have converted their projects to Mirror in as little as 15 minutes.

    uMMORPG has very modest support for sound. There is support for skill cast sounds, which they believe is probably the only thing we need to sync over the network when it comes to sounds. Everything else is regular Unity AudioSources etc.

    It might be an easy integration MAM with uMMORPG that could benefit both assets.

    Just thinking out loud here.
  34. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    No, not familiar with the product (it's pretty expensive too). You might know that Master Audio (and the Multiplayer version) don't allow Audio Source anywhere except under the Master Audio game object, so if we were to do it, it would be like UFPS integration with normal Master Audio:

    1) Install optional MAM package.
    2) Delete all Audio Sources in the Scene, taking note of what game objects have them so you can revisit after setting up Sound Groups in Master Audio.
    3) Set up Sound Groups.
    4) Revisit the game objects that had Audio Sources and add Event Sounds or we modify the script(s) that play the audio.

    It's potentially a lot of work for uMMORPG users really. Not sure if it's worth the effort?

    It's also possible that it's not even necessary. If casting a skill spawns a prefab on all clients, one could simple use the normal Master Audio and add an Event Sounds script to that prefab that plays a sound on Enable event.
    wood333 likes this.
  35. RonnyDance


    Aug 17, 2015
    Also interested in Mirror support. Now uMMORPG is on sale for 20$. So worth a try.
    How about Quest Machine support? You are supporting Dialog System from the same author so Quest Machine shouldn't be a problem I suppose.

    Weblox and wood333 like this.
  36. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    I will contact the author of uMMORPG and probably get a voucher (free copy). Then see how much effort it would be to integrate. Do you happen to know if there's a blog or instructions on what code to change when going from UNET to Mirror? I would need to see that.

    Re: Dialog System support, that was actually done by the author of Dialog System, so you may want to ask him if he plans on doing Master Audio support for his other plugin.
    Weblox and RonnyDance like this.
  37. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    Hi, I took about what you said, 20 minutes to pound out an untested, but compiling version of MAM with Mirror as an optional package. If anyone who already owns a copy of MAM wants to get this and test it out, please email us at

    Weblox likes this.
  38. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    V 1.2.6 changelog:
    • Added Mirror compatibility as an optional package.
    • New Readme.pdf with Mirror instructions.
    • Changes from Master Audio 4.2.2 - 4.2.3
    nirvanajie and RonnyDance like this.
  39. John-G


    Mar 21, 2013
    Any hope of adding photon bolt support
  40. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    Not likely unfortunately . We think the number of users of Bolt is pretty small, and unlike the other "ports" we did to other networking platforms, Bolt is a major rewrite due to its major differences in coding.
  41. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    It's come to my attention that MAM doesn't compile in Unity 2019 unless you install the optional Multiplayer HLAPI plugin. We are in the process of removing the default UNET implementation since it has been deprecated by Unity, and will replace it with a non-functional multiplayer code that at least compiles. We will no longer officially support UNET although we'll still include the UNET package as an option, along with Mirror and Photon (free and PUN) - the rest of which we do support.

    Thank you.
  42. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    V 1.2.7 changelist:
    • Removing default UNET implementation because Unity doesn't have it installed anymore as of Unity 2019. We still have the UNET package if you want to install, but it's no longer maintained by Unity. After installing MAM, install either Photon or Mirror package to start using.
  43. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    V 1.2.8 changelog:
    • All updates from MA V 4.2.5, including support for projects that don't have Physics2D and/or Physics3D installed. Those projects will lose Occlusion, Ambient Sound and the corresponding Event Sounds dealing with those packages' events, but they can compile and use other things.
  44. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    V 1.2.9 changelog:
    • Added a toggle for "Remove Probability-Unplayed Variations" on the Master Audio Manager screen. Defaults to "on". If you turn it off, Variations that aren't played due to failing the Probability To Play check will not be removed from the pool, so they may be played again later through another probability check.
    • Fixed bug where a despawned or destroyed Game Object with Ambient Sound script would stop all playing instances of the Sound Group instead of just the single voice.
  45. mostlyapt


    Nov 5, 2016
    I am seeing an issue where Ambient Sound script triggers selected Audio Group only once. That too only if Transform and Listener Follower game objects are in range before game starts and thus allowing OnTriggerEnter event to fire. Moment they move out of range and OnTriggerExit event is fired, one can't play and listen to Audio Group again regardless of whether Transform and Listener Follower are in range to trigger it.

    Not sure, if I am doing something wrong. Any idea what might be the reason?
  46. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    Sounds like a bug, but I know of no bugs currently with the script. I can't make any bugs happen on my end or they'd be fixed already. You'll need to send me an example scene that makes the bug happen reliably. Then if it happens here I will fix it.
  47. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    V 1.3.0 changelog:
    • All updates from MA 4.2.7.
  48. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    V 1.3.1 changelog:
    • Bug fix for Ambient Sound in 4.2.6 broke other things. Now fixed in a better way that doesn't cause other issues.
    • Fixed bug: Dragging more than 1 Variation only created 1 Variation.
    • Fixed compile error when either Physics2D or Physics3D aren't installed. Now there's a Welcome Window where you must check those boxes to enable 2d and 3d features.
    • Ambient Sound now disables the creation of its tracker triggers by 1 frame so it won't cause audio glitches such as when the script is on a Game Object being instantiated and instantly disabled for pooling purposes.
    • Removed option for "Load Resources Async" under Resource File / Audio Clip settings because now it is always async.
    • Added Performance Settings section in Advanced Settings. Has an option to "Perform Code Warming" which defaults to on. It shows the Warm Sound Group there if enabled. Now defaults to the first Sound Group with an Audio Clip Variation.
    • Added support for Addressables for Sound Groups and Playlists. 3rd Audio Origin of "Addressable" now exists if you enable Addressables support on the new Welcome Window and have Addressables package installed.
    • Note: Dragging a non-Addressable into a Master Audio Addressable field may make the Audio Clip an Addressable if it isn't already.
    • Removed "File On Internet" option. It could never unload anyway.
    • Renamed Resource File / Audio Clip Settings to Audio Clip Settings. Now we will have Addressable settings there too if you have the feature enabled.
    • Added "Unused Addressable Life (seconds)" field to each Sound Group. This lets you specify to keep the Addressables in your Variations around for an extra X seconds after it's no longer used. This will avoid having to load it again in that time frame since we cache the loaded Addressables on our side.
    • Re-ordered the sections of Advanced Settings. There are a lot now so I put them in alphabetical order.
    • Fixed the deletion of game object (Sound Groups and Variations) in Unity 2018.2+ when they're part of a prefab. It was logging an error to the Console and not deleting.
    • Put back the "Clone" icon and made it work in Unity 2018.2+.
  49. dustygonzales1


    Apr 18, 2020
    Does this work for pulling in a livestream audio from my desktop to output to all players? I have a concert I would like to replicate in game
  50. jerotas


    Sep 4, 2011
    Nothing like microphone or stream audio will ever be supported.
