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Games Demo available - Symmetrical drawing app created with Unity

Discussion in 'Works In Progress - Archive' started by DarthHawk13, Aug 26, 2020.

  1. DarthHawk13


    Feb 24, 2016
    I've released a demo of a new symmetrical drawing app called Daisy. I setup the download link to work from
    Right now there are downloads for PC and Ubuntu/Linux.

    Yesterday I created the following image with Daisy using only an exclamation point, "!"

    The demo doesn't have everything in the latest build.

    You create your brushes. In the download is a folder called "Brushes" put any PNG images in there you wish to use as brushes and they will get loaded at startup.

    The demo won't allow you to create brushes at runtime, something already in the latest build, but you can save your images to disk without any watermarks and then move them into the Brushes folder. On startup they will be available for use.

    The save feature is original and may need some getting used to. In Daisy you save an area to disk. When you press the save/disk icon in the top menu the save dialog box will appear. You enter the x resolution of the image then the y resolution and then the name. Then you left click on the "Activate" button. A shaded box with the x and y dimensions you set will appear on the canvas and follow your mouse cursor around. When you press the left mouse button whatever is inside the shaded box will be saved to disk.

    The default screen size is 4K. Daisy will adjust to your screen size. However, the shaded box may appear to cover a smaller area than it actually does on lower resolutions. This is on my to do list.

    There is a file called "hex_colors.csv" you can edit to load in your desired color palette. The app has room for 36 colors. You can also right click on the colors in the app to change them manually by entering in a hex color value.

    You can toggle the UI with the right mouse button.
    Draw by pressing the left mouse button
    If the "Seamless" option is selected holding down the left mouse button will draw continuously. If it isn't pressing the left mouse button will only place the brush on the canvas once.

    At startup the mirror is centered on the screen. Pressing the middle mouse button will move the center of the mirror to where the mouse cursor is. If you wanted to draw a symmetrical object in a corner of the canvas this will allow you to do so. Pressing the middle mouse button afterwards will reset the mirror to the center.

    There is a horizontal,diagonal, and vertical mirror. You can activate and deactivate them simply by selecting their buttons on the UI. They are four radial buttons close together. The mouse position is represented by the top left button in the group. The horizontal mirror is represented by the top right button. The vertical mirror is represented by the lower left button. And the diagonal mirror is represented by the lower right button.

    You can change the scale and angle of the brush before placing on the canvas/screen by adjusting a slider and depending on if "scale" or "Angle" is selected. Then just move the mouse wheel up or down to increase or decrease scale/angle.

    Text is a work in progress and was added two days ago. There are some limited fonts included. When you create text and press the "ok" button in the Text dialog box it will place the text at the center of the canvas. It's still a UI element at this point. You'll need to save it as an image to disk and move it into the Brushes folder to use it on the next startup. I recommend saving text as the color white as you can change it's color in Daisy without problems.

    When you create anything on the canvas it's an object. To select any object press the "Select" option at the bottom of the UI. A window will popup showing the brushes you've used on the canvas so far. They represent each object you've created on the canvas using that specific brush and are created in order. Press the left mouse button on a available selection to select that object on the canvas. You can now move it somewhere else, change it's layer and color by adjusting the values on the UI. Even change it's scale and angle. When done simply press the left mouse button again on the canvas where you want it to be. If you want to delete an object right clicking on it's representative in the selection window will delete it. You can't undo that action.

    This app is different but is designed to be simple and easy to use.

    Let me know what you think. Thanks and have a great day :)
  2. DarthHawk13


    Feb 24, 2016