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Unity's version control component has been upgraded to Plastic SCM.

Deleting ignored files from Collab.

Discussion in 'Unity Collaborate' started by Gekigengar, Aug 29, 2021.

  1. Gekigengar


    Jan 20, 2013
    I have decided to ignore certain file types that has previously been uploaded to collaborate, but it is not removed from collaborate assets file that has already been uploaded. Taking up storage space for files that are not meant to be uploaded.

    How do I remove them?
  2. Gekigengar


    Jan 20, 2013
    Bump, why is this not a thing?
  3. Because it doesn't make any sense. You either want to ignore files or delete them. If you want to delete ignored files, just delete them locally from disk.

    This is simply not true. In Collab, you only calculate the latest head when it comes to storage (unless something is changed and I don't know about it). If you are ignoring files, they shouldn't get uploaded with your latest submit and they shouldn't be pulled when you update or clone. Hence the name... ignoring in version control.
  4. Gekigengar


    Jan 20, 2013
    There are big files such as video textures that you might want to decide to exclue later because its taking too much space from the collaborate limit. I use collaborate to backup and work on more important files and codes from other machines, on which the big files aren't important for its functionality.

    Try upload a .pdf file to collaborate, then add *.pdf to your collabignore list.

    Then check your collaborate/assets.
    The file will still exist in your collaborate, taking up space, and there is no way to delete them.

    collabignore should include 2 levels, ignore, and ignore & delete from collaborate.
    In Collaborate/Assets