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Custom Unity Reflect 2.0 version

Discussion in 'Unity Reflect' started by PortcoastDT, Mar 10, 2021.

  1. PortcoastDT


    Jun 17, 2019
    I have bought Unity Reflect for a long time. Currently, I'm using Unity Pro to Custom Unity Reflect. The sample project that avaiable at (

    I have use Reflect's scene and work in that Scene. I loaded model from Reflect's folder (model had been import from Window/Reflect/ ReflectWindow toolbar).
    After added several fuctions and run the program, it's show the login part of the scene that force me to load a new model, not the model that I added before goes into play mode and all of the object in the hiranchy that I added is gone.
    I can't edit or custom Untiy Reflect although I have follow several instruction of the previous version of unity reflect, but the result is nothing... I struggled for a month but still couldn't find the right direction.

    My question is, how I can customize the new version of Unity reflect?

    Thanks so much for the support!
  2. unity_aica01


    May 19, 2020
    Did you finally deactivated the login and project options in the previous version of Reflect (the one that came in the github repo) ???
    if not, I have been using it for a while, and all you need to do its to select the main canvas of the function (for example Login canvas) and deactivate it so you will not load another model in your scene. Another thing to have in consideration is where to place your model in the hierarchy, you have to put it as a son of the Reflect Sync Root game object.

    Whit the new version of the reflect viewer I tried to customize it too but its seems pretty difficult to do it because despite I deactivated some functions, these still working but without all UI elements. Also the ambient oclussion of the forward renderer HQ its supossed to let see in to the scene when in edit mode, but I deactivated it and nothing changes.

    Hope I helped a bit on your journey!
  3. unity_aica01


    May 19, 2020
    Hi! @BIMLabAR
    I have been working on the new Reflect interface to customize it and for the moment that´s what I got:
    -First of all, as I said in the preview comment, If your objective is to build an executable with just one model to explore and watch metadata (as my case) You need to disable all the Login and select project functions and all related to them(wich are some game objects to deactivate).

    -The next step is where I am right now, and its to look for the component/s that takes the metadata from the model to display it in the bim selection or filters. Untill know all I know is that it gets the metadata via Pipeline API as they explain in this site (Unity Reflect Viewer API | Unity Reflect | 2.0 ( So the funny thing here is to make all the pipeline not to sync with reflect cloud or whatever but to syn with the roots of the reflect hierarchy, so it will not have to sync meshes or textures, just BIM data.

    those are my thoughts about how reflects works and how to customize it right now