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Custom build step with Platforms package

Discussion in 'Entity Component System' started by peaj_metric, Sep 28, 2020.

  1. peaj_metric


    Sep 15, 2014
    The platforms package worked great for creating custom build configurations for different Storefronts (e.g. Steam, Oculus, etc.). The package changed quite a lot recently tough.

    Previously it was easy to add a custom build step because it could just be added to a pipeline asset.

    Now that the pipeline is not an asset anymore but just a class how can I add my custom build step?
    It looks like the buildsteps are hardcoded into the pipline.

    I just want to inject a custom generated version number for each build.
    Is there a way to inject my build step or do I have to create a build pipeline from scratch just to use my custom build step?
    I found the ClassicBuildPipelineCustomizer where I could set the version in
    OnBeforeBuild but there is no way to reset this value after the build which leaves the project settings file in a changed state.

    Besides that I am still confused about the naming of the Scriptable Build Piplene and the Platforms Package (see here):