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Creating a first person dungeon crawler on shpere

Discussion in 'World Building' started by ssjkkp, Aug 10, 2022.

  1. ssjkkp


    Sep 8, 2019

    I'm pretty new to Unity, game development and creating 3D graphics but I have experience in coding. I have created some small 2D and 3D games just for fun on my free time for around 3 years

    I was thinking that it would be fun to create a first person dungeon crawler(for example like Gloomgrave) where you could also destroy walls like in minecraft but on a huge shpere surface

    I have done tutorials like "How to make game like minecraft" to make similar work on flat surface but on the sphere surface the cubes cannot be perfect cubes. It would have to be something like quadrilateralized spherical cube but I dont know how to create it and if there is any easy way that doesnt require creating the cubes one by one. Also another way might be having short draw distance and just create illusion of shpere like world and that would be fine also but i dont know how to achieve that

    If you have any ideas or know some tutorials or materials that might be helpful I would really appreciate it!
  2. Kurt-Dekker


    Mar 16, 2013
    Sebastian Lague has a great simple tutorial on walking around a spherical world. That will get you the mechanics of movement and gravity on a sphere.

    Building a mutable minecraft world on that is a whole different problem space. I would start by learning how to generate minecraft as-is so you can reason about how to perhaps wrap the cell coordinates around a sphere.
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