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Crashing and General Bugginess

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by uonlyliveonce, Jan 30, 2021.

  1. uonlyliveonce


    Nov 6, 2018
    I updated my project a few days ago to 2020.2.2f1 and I'm getting really weird behavior that I've had before:

    It's crashed 7 times.

    Null ref exceptions (that don't show up in the console - my game just breaks and I don't know why until I discover that I forgot to add a reference but there's no error in the console to let me know that).

    An error message that I've never seen - [Assertion failed on expression: '!CompareApproximately(aScalar, 0.0F)'] - popping up on code that was fine in the previous version.

    My game not pausing even though "Error Pause" is on and errors pop up in the console.

    It's all adding up and becoming really frustrating. I'm considering going back the the previous version of Unity I had to get away from all of these problems but I don't want to risk breaking my project even more.

    I don't want to revert to a prev version of my project since I've done some work on it since while powering through these issues.

    I can't file a bug report because with all of the crashes, I was doing something different each time and I have no idea what could have caused it. I've been working on this game for 5 years so I don't want to send this huge project to Unity to try and figure out these random crashes that I can't give any info on.

    The Unity crash info box tells me nothing : it just says it couldn't find a solution and to send a bug report.
  2. Kurt-Dekker


    Mar 16, 2013
    If you're using source control like git, you can abandon your current tip and revert to before the ugprade, then cherry pick just the changes you need, as long as you have fine-grained commit habits.

    ALSO: if you're not using git or some other source control, immediately put down your compiler and start doing so. This is ESPECIALLY true working on a five-year-old project! Working without source control is extremely dangerous and limits how you can engineer.

    Generally never upgrade Unity unless you need it for a feature. When you leave the LTS branch of 2017 or 2018 or 2019 and move onto 2020 you in effect become an unpaid test pilot, not a regular user.
  3. uonlyliveonce


    Nov 6, 2018
    I upgraded from a previous 2020 version which worked perfectly fine - it was 2020.16f

    I've always tried to stay on top of Unity upgrades to the newest "official" version - as I thought they were pretty safe compared to the betas. Also, I don't jump to a new year until several months after it's release.

    Sometimes I have compiler errors and runtime bugs jumping from one year to another, but I can usually fix those in a couple hours.

    I am interested in 2020 for the Animation Rigging package. There are also a couple other features & a speed upgrade from 2019 that I like.

    So if anything, I'd go back to that prev 2020 version of Unity.
    Do you think I should try reverting to 2020.16f? I've never gone backwards in Unity version.

    I do use GitHub - thanks for checking. It would be a pain but I could try to revert then copy over my changes. I commit often but I move stuff around and update assets in my project constantly.

    Or should I just bear it until a new version comes out that hopefully fixes these issues I've been having?