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Crash reported, HTC One only, on instantiation of a resource prefab.

Discussion in 'Android' started by scritchy, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. scritchy


    Dec 30, 2010
    Can't get this to happen on our internal HTC One test device, but it gets reported out in the wild on the Google Play dashboard. Anybody have experience with this??

    the code in question (roughly, snipped for conciseness) is basically:

    m_resourcePrefab = Resources.Load( typeof(T).ToString() ) as GameObject;
    GameObject go = Instantiate( m_resourcePrefab ) as GameObject;

    this crash stack hasn't been reported on any other kind of device so far...

    -- report --

    java.lang.Error: FATAL EXCEPTION [UnityMain]
    Unity version : 4.3.4f1
    Device model : HTC HTC One
    Device fingerprint: htc/tmous/m7:4.4.2/KOT49H/304164.10:user/release-keys

    Caused by: java.lang.Error: signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 2 (SEGV_ACCERR), fault addr 7b8520f0
    Build fingerprint: 'htc/tmous/m7:4.4.2/KOT49H/304164.10:user/release-keys'
    Revision: '3'
    pid: 3457, tid: 3472, name: UnityMain >>> com.roguerocketgames.m3s <<<
    r0 80422adc r1 7ffc4e78 r2 8046299c r3 817da888
    r4 79bb7604 r5 76254660 r6 80422adc r7 76254660
    r8 80184450 r9 00000001 sl 00000004 fp 7a9778b0
    ip 7a9778c8 sp 7a9778b0 lr 804146b0 pc 7b8520f0 cpsr 0000000b

    at Unknown.001e80f0(Unknown Source)
    at Unknown.000076ac(Unknown Source)
    at Object.Internal_CloneSingle(Native Method)
    at Object.Instantiate(<0x0002c>:44)
    at SingletonResource`1.CreateInstance(<0x002bf>:703)
    at M3SService.Initialize(<0x00063>:99)
    at M3_GameInfo.StaticInitialize(<0x004db>:1243)
    at GamePlayer..ctor(<0x0001f>:31)
    at Object.runtime_invoke_void__this__(Native Method)
    at MonoCMethod.InternalInvoke(Native Method)
    at MonoCMethod.Invoke(<0x001e8>:488)
    at MonoCMethod.Invoke(<0x00057>:87)
    at ConstructorInfo.Invoke(<0x0005b>:91)
    at Activator.CreateInstance(<0x0019b>:411)
    at Activator.CreateInstance(<0x0001f>:31)
    at Activator.CreateInstance(<0x0001f>:31)
    at Singleton`1.CreateInstance(<0x00043>:67)
    at Singleton`1.get_Instance(<0x00043>:67)
    at ScrollArrowsUI.OnEnable(<0x00083>:131)
    at Object.runtime_invoke_void__this__(Native Method)
    at libmono.000238cb(Native Method)
    at libmono.mono_runtime_invoke(mono_runtime_invoke:144)
    at libunity.0029f138(Native Method)
    at libunity.0029ee54(Native Method)
    at libunity.001fdb90(Native Method)
    at libunity.001fdd3c(Native Method)
    at libunity.001d95d0(Native Method)
    at libunity.002c748c(Native Method)
    at libunity.002c7710(Native Method)
    at libunity.0027c114(Native Method)
    at libunity.0029eb08(Native Method)
    at libunity.00280b3c(Native Method)