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Cpu GPU calculation difference

Discussion in 'Entity Component System' started by franky_U, Jul 9, 2019.

  1. franky_U


    Mar 13, 2019
    i gave various system which are doing some calculation one by one and in the end i am generating procedural mesh to draw an object(lets say sphere,created once only for initialisation).The position of the object is being set by the data provided by the system.
    The ECS system us using the hybrid it is running on main thread.
    The problem is when the object moves based on the data provided by the is flickering and not giving the smooth translation. Is this because the sync difference between CPU processing & GPU .or could be because everything is running on main thread.
    Should i use Job system to avoid this? or
    What could be the best possible solution to avoid this situation?
  2. DreamingImLatios


    Jun 3, 2017
    Jobs probably won't solve your problem. Which version of Entities are you using? In latest ECS, the update rate is synced with the framerate so if you have jitter it is likely an issue with your code. If anything is running in FixedUpdate, then jitter is expected and you will need to compensate.