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Couldn't connect to trainer on port 5004 using API version 0.15.0

Discussion in 'ML-Agents' started by tapleya, Apr 20, 2020.

  1. tapleya


    Oct 24, 2018
    Copying this over from the Github issue page, per request.

    Describe the bug
    I am getting the above error when trying to train my own custom environment.

    To Reproduce
    I have been getting this error numerous times, even after cloning a new repo and reinstalling.

    I cloned the repo (latest release) onto my laptop. I installed the dependencies following the development instructions on the installation doc into an Anaconda env. I then created my own environment in Unity. I was able to train the environment with no issues. However, I decided I wanted to save off the images from my visual observations to my laptop, so I installed opencv with "conda install opencv". I then went into ml-agents-env/ and added a line to save off the images. However, once I tried to start training again, I got the error. After deleting the line from, I am still getting the error and cannot train.

    In the past, I have deleted the repo and recloned it, and I am usually able to run the examples without any issues. Usually, once I run my own environment, I run into the issue where the trainer cannot connect. I was finally able to get it to run this morning without the issue (somehow) but it came back once I attempted to add a line to the file.

    Console logs / stack traces

    This is from the ~/Library/Logs/Unity/upm.log file.


    This is what shows up when I run the mlagents-learn.

    This is what I get in the console inside of Unity.

    This is the error I get on the terminal side.

    Environment (please complete the following information):

    • OS + version: Mac 10.15.3 (Catalina)
    • ML-Agents version: latest release (0.15.1)
    • TensorFlow version: 2.0.1
    • Environment: 3D-Ball, or any environment actually

    Whenever I get the error, if I delete the repo from my machine, re-clone it from the Github, and re-install the dependencies from the ml-agents-envs and ml-agents directories, it will work. However, every time I make a change to my project, the error comes up and I have to redo everything over again. It seems to be an installation error, but I am following the directions in the installation docs each time. Has anyone had a similar issue? I'm installing the dependencies through 'pip3 install -e ./ml-agents-envs' and 'pip3 install -e ./ml-agents' instead of just ml-agents since those were the instructions if we were going to be making changes within the repo.
  2. anupambhatnagar


    Unity Technologies

    Jun 22, 2017
    Can you share the complete command you use to launch ml-agents?
  3. tapleya


    Oct 24, 2018
    So I first clone the repo onto my machine with

    git clone --branch latest_release

    I then run

    python -m venv ./<env_name>
    source ./<env_name>/bin/activate
    pip3 install --upgrade pip
    pip3 install --upgrade setuptools

    to set up my virtual environment. Once in here, I cd into the ml-agents repo and run

    pip3 install -e ./ml-agents-envs/
    pip3 install -e ./ml-agents/

    At this point, I am able to train my model in my environment. However, once I make a small change to the script or the .yaml file or anything related to the environment, it breaks and I get the error.
  4. Yunkis


    Apr 20, 2020
    I had the same problem. It was just that when I press play(my laptop is slow) it takes too long of a time to actually start to play.
    The way around it is to make ml-agents wait longer for a reply from Unity. I went to ml-agent's code and disabled function of timing out. Worked for me.