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Question content_update_group is missing.

Discussion in 'Addressables' started by PixelLifetime, Jul 30, 2020.

  1. PixelLifetime


    Mar 30, 2017
    Addressables v1.12.0
    Hi, reading - Content Update Examples it says that content_update_group is created (it's not visible then if it is actually created).

    Also, it says that: If the user has already cached the Static_Remote bundle, they only need to download the updated asset (in this instance, AssetL via content_update_group). This is ideal in this case. If the user has not cached the bundle, they must download both the new AssetL via content_update_group and the now-defunct AssetL via the untouched Remote_Static bundle. Regardless of the initial cache state, at some point the user will have the defunct AssetL on their device, cached indefinitely despite never being accessed.

    But I have tested it and only catalog files are updated. What I need to upload to the server to have a new version of `AssetL` referenced and downloaded by the client? In case of Remote_NonStatic everything works fine and new bundles are created that I can upload and replace the old ones (screenshot).
