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Confused of how to Add AWS GameLift to Unity (Properly)

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by EliJNemer, Jan 14, 2020.

  1. EliJNemer


    Aug 3, 2019

    i am trying to add AWS Server SDK to Unity, and i am having a hard time with it, i do not know how it is supposed to look like.. and seems a little sketchy to me..

    i followed the instructions and built the Libraries by restoring Nugat, and then build the SDK Successfully, but i get the following:


    there is now a packages folder which include the following:

    but these DLLs also exist in the following folder:


    also they are not unity packages which i import the regular way..

    so how do i import them properly into unity, do i just copy paste into a created plugins folder in my Assets folder in my project?

    also each of these folders in the packages folders in the first pic have a folder for .net2.0, 3.5, and 4.5.. should i just add for the 4.5 and delete the others?

    why would they make a 4.5 build if they are going to put .net2.0 and .net3.5 into the build?

    any help would be appreciated..
  2. Tholem


    Mar 22, 2020
    You should open the solution Net35, enter to the package.config and change the line where say "<package>" to "
    <packages xmlns="urn:packages">"

    That should make that the folder package doesn't be created and the .dll should be inside the folder Net35.

    You have to copy thats dll files and paste it on a "Plugins" folder inside the "Assets" folder in Unity.

    The file "readme" should had the instructions. The solution Net35 is compatible with Unity
  3. YakiC


    Feb 24, 2016
    Hello, I'm using this thread since it seems relevant.
    This page explains a lot of stuff on how to integrate Gamelift in unity.

    On a separate note, I had this error after copying all the .dll files into my project :

    Library\PackageCache\com.unity.textmeshpro@2.0.1\Scripts\Editor\TMP_PackageUtilities.cs(310,17): error CS0433: The type 'Task' exists in both 'System.Threading.Tasks.NET35, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' and 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'

    I never managed to fix it since I can't really remove either .dll without everything breaking. Any ideas ?
  4. Tholem


    Mar 22, 2020
    That thread had a lot of mistakes that you have to solve by your own.

    @YakiC I had that issue too.

    I solve it removing the Plugins folder where you paste the .dll of gameliftClientSDKnet35.
    I saw where the sdk was built, if it was in a folder called package I made a change that I said you before.
    I opened the solution of the sdk again, and built it.
    It should made the .dll that the readme of the sdk folder say, and I just followed that instructions.
    I copied the .dll that should be in the net35 folder and paste in the new Plugins folder
    It solved all the problems with the packageCache.
    Which version of unity are you using? Because the sdk have not support to unity 2019
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2020
  5. YakiC


    Feb 24, 2016
    @Tholem Thanks for answering ! I am using unity 2019.2 yeah.. I asked about it on the GameLift forums and they redirected me to the github page I linked. I guess this is the unofficial SDK support.

    I still can't figure out this Task .dll error, I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
    I don't understand what you mean by :
  6. Tholem


    Mar 22, 2020
    The problem is the sdk don't support unity 2019, change to unity 2018 and make it again, everything should work.

    If you see the error that you share say packageCache, I try to say that it solve that type of errors.

    I'm sorry, my native lenguage is spanish, sometimes I don't know how say something in english and I just translate, so that make misunderstandings
  7. YakiC


    Feb 24, 2016
    @Tholem Hey, no worries, thank you for helping!
    I really can't go back to Unity 2018 since I'm using new stuff like 2D lights in my project. I'll try something else !