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ConfigurableJoint: Swing and Twist?

Discussion in 'Physics' started by unity_DKqnJkGo8MOKYQ, Feb 28, 2019.

  1. unity_DKqnJkGo8MOKYQ


    Jan 15, 2019
    What the heck is Swing and Twist?

    I am trying to set up a configurable joint to both translate in Y, and set it's angular velocity around Y.

    From the documentation:

    "angularYZDrive Definition of how the joint's rotation will behave around its local Y and Z axes. Only used if Rotation Drive Mode is Swing & Twist."

    Yet, if I look up the documentation for Rotation Drive Mode, I get:

    "Control the object's rotation with either X & YZ or Slerp Drive by itself."

    There is no "Swing & Twist" option, only X&YZ and Slerp. Is Swing&Twist a pseudonym for one of these?

    Also, changing the option does not help: I see no angular velocity changes after setting Target Angular Velocity.
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