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Question compute shaders....

Discussion in 'Shader Graph' started by skullmath, Oct 12, 2019.

  1. skullmath


    Jun 26, 2019
    Hi I want to update the screen on unity with the particles moving constantly, but not as fast as I thought ... What should I do?

    here is the code.

    [shader code]
    #pragma kernel PositionCS
    struct Data{
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;

    float vx;
    float vy;
    float vz;

    #define SIMULATION_BLOCK_SIZE 1024

    StructuredBuffer<Data> _datacompare;
    RWStructedBuffer<Data> _dataparsing;

    int _MaxDataMun; // about 760000;

    float _PositionX;
    float _PositionY;
    float _PositionZ;

    groupshared Data group[SIMULATION_BLOCK_SIZE];


    void PositionCS
    uint3 DTid : SV_DispatchThreadID,
    uint3 Gid : SV_GroupID,
    uint3 GTid : SV_GroupThreadID,
    uint GI : SV_GroupIndex

    Data c = _datacompare[P_ID];
    Data d = _dataparsing[P_ID];
    for (uint N_block_ID = 0; N_block_ID < (uint)_MaxDataMun; N_block_ID += SIMUALTION_BLOCK_SIZE)
    group[GI] = _datacompare[N_block_ID+GI];
    for (int N_tile_ID = 0; N_tile_ID < SIMULATION_BLOCK_SIZE; N_tile_ID++)
    if (group[N_tile_ID].x == _PositionX && group[N_tile_ID].y == _PositionY && group[N_tile_ID].z == _PositionZ)
    c.x = group[N_tile_ID].x;
    c.y = group[N_tile_ID].y;
    c.z = group[N_tile_ID].z;

    c.vx = group[N_tile_ID].vx;
    c.vy = group[N_tile_ID].vy;
    c.vz = group[N_tile_ID].vz;
    _dataparsing[P_ID] = c;
    because 'if statement' seems to be slowing down, how can we speed it up?
  2. Olmi


    Nov 29, 2012
    For starters, could you use code block to format your code snippet? You find it in insert code button when you edit a message.

    And to inform those who might take a look at this, does this code actually function, and you only have issues with some of it's features/results? I'm asking as there's some typos there (SIMUALTION_BLOCK_SIZE and SIMULATION_BLOCK_SIZE, for example.)
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2019