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CompilerException after finishing Jenkins automated build

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by futurlab_peterh, Dec 13, 2018.

  1. futurlab_peterh


    Jan 23, 2018
    After completing an automated build with Jenkins on Unity 2018.3.0b12 (files are generated and artifacts copied), the Editor crashes, leading Jenkins to assume the build has failed. The builds are successfully completed without errors when performed from inside the Editor (i.e. non-batch mode). This is 100% reproducible on PC Standalone, Switch and PS4 targets.

    These are the console messages when the error happens:

    [Performance] CurlRequestCheck : 8 samples, Peak. 22.7 us (1.6x), Avg. 14.5 us, Total. 115.9 us (0.0%)
    [Performance] PackageManager::RunRequestSynchronously : 5 samples, Peak. 53.4 us (2.9x), Avg. 18.1 us, Total. 90.70 us (0.0%)
    [Performance] AutoBuildingWindow.OnGUI : 4 samples, Peak. 290 ms (3.9x), Avg. 73.9 ms, Total. 295.6 ms (0.2%)
    Refresh: detecting if any assets need to be imported or removed ...

    Refresh Completed time: 0.108313s
    Asset Scan time: 0.103012s
    Asset Hashing: 0.000000s [0 B, 0.000000 mb/s]
    Asset Import (Scripting) time: 0.000000s (count: 0)
    Post Processs Assets (Scripting) time: 0.000000s
    Asset Rehashing: 0.000000s [0 B, 0.000000 mb/s]
    Asset Import (Non Scripting) time: 0.000000s (count: 0)
    Post Process Assets (Non Scripting) time: 0.000000s
    Dependent Assets to Import Queue time: 0.000000s

    Script Compilation Pipeline Post Process Assets time: 0.000050s
    Assembly Updater Post Process Assets time: 0.000034s
    Connect to CacheServer localhost:8126
    Updating ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset - GUID: 00000000000000004000000000000000...
    done. [Time: 6.640700 ms]
    Script Compilation Pipeline Post Process Assets time: 0.000044s
    Assembly Updater Post Process Assets time: 0.000032s
    Disconnect from CacheServer
    Refreshing native plugins compatible for Editor in 1.30 ms, found 5 plugins.
    Preloading 1 native plugins for Editor in 0.08 ms.
    Refresh: detecting if any assets need to be imported or removed ...

    Refresh Completed time: 0.059341s
    Asset Scan time: 0.057595s
    Asset Hashing: 0.000000s [0 B, 0.000000 mb/s]
    Asset Import (Scripting) time: 0.000000s (count: 0)
    Post Processs Assets (Scripting) time: 0.000000s
    Asset Rehashing: 0.000000s [0 B, 0.000000 mb/s]
    Asset Import (Non Scripting) time: 0.000000s (count: 0)
    Post Process Assets (Non Scripting) time: 0.000000s
    Dependent Assets to Import Queue time: 0.000000s

    [Package Manager] Server::Kill -- Server was shutdown
    Cleanup mono
    Unexpected exception Burst.Compiler.IL.CompilerException: Unexpected exception ---> Burst.Compiler.IL.CompilerException: Unexpected exception while trying to compile function `System.Void Unity.Jobs.IJobParallelForExtensions/ParallelForJobStruct`1::Execute(T&,System.IntPtr,System.IntPtr,Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe.JobRanges&,System.Int32)` ---> System.Threading.ThreadAbortException
    at Mono.Cecil.Cil.CodeReader.ReadCode () [0x0006d] in <28cdca1704d2491781795499c297b78b>:0
    at Mono.Cecil.Cil.CodeReader.ReadFatMethod () [0x0007f] in <28cdca1704d2491781795499c297b78b>:0
    at Mono.Cecil.Cil.CodeReader.ReadMethodBody () [0x0003e] in <28cdca1704d2491781795499c297b78b>:0
    at Mono.Cecil.Cil.CodeReader.ReadMethodBody (Mono.Cecil.MethodDefinition method) [0x00014] in <28cdca1704d2491781795499c297b78b>:0
    at Mono.Cecil.MetadataReader.ReadMethodBody (Mono.Cecil.MethodDefinition method) [0x00000] in <28cdca1704d2491781795499c297b78b>:0
    at Mono.Cecil.MethodDefinition+<>c.<get_Body>b__41_0 (Mono.Cecil.MethodDefinition method, Mono.Cecil.MetadataReader reader) [0x00000] in <28cdca1704d2491781795499c297b78b>:0
    at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.Read[TItem,TRet] (TRet& variable, TItem item, System.Func`3[T1,T2,TResult] read) [0x0003c] in <28cdca1704d2491781795499c297b78b>:0
    at Mono.Cecil.MethodDefinition.get_Body () [0x0002c] in <28cdca1704d2491781795499c297b78b>:0
    at Burst.Compiler.IL.Syntax.ILBuilder.Visit (Burst.Compiler.IL.Syntax.MethodBinding binding) [0x0007a] in <37bebafd236f4ccd943dc039a926a017>:0
    at Burst.Compiler.IL.ILVisitor.PrepareFunctionInternal (Burst.Compiler.IL.Syntax.MethodBinding methodBinding) [0x00065] in <37bebafd236f4ccd943dc039a926a017>:0
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at Burst.Compiler.IL.ILVisitor.PrepareFunctionInternal (Burst.Compiler.IL.Syntax.MethodBinding methodBinding) [0x00100] in <37bebafd236f4ccd943dc039a926a017>:0
    at Burst.Compiler.IL.ILVisitor.PrepareFunction (Burst.Compiler.IL.Syntax.MethodBinding methodBinding) [0x00000] in <37bebafd236f4ccd943dc039a926a017>:0
    at Burst.Compiler.IL.ILVerifier.PrepareFunction (Burst.Compiler.IL.Syntax.MethodBinding methodBinding) [0x00013] in <37bebafd236f4ccd943dc039a926a017>:0
    at Burst.Compiler.IL.ILVisitor.VisitEntryPointFunction (Burst.Compiler.IL.MethodReferenceWithHash methodReference) [0x0003d] in <37bebafd236f4ccd943dc039a926a017>:0
    at Burst.Compiler.IL.ILVisitor.VisitEntryPointFunction (Burst.Backend.Module module, Burst.Compiler.IL.MethodReferenceWithHash methodReference) [0x0001a] in <37bebafd236f4ccd943dc039a926a017>:0
    at Burst.Compiler.IL.ILVerifier.VisitEntryPointFunction (Burst.Backend.Module module, Burst.Compiler.IL.MethodReferenceWithHash methodReference) [0x00000] in <37bebafd236f4ccd943dc039a926a017>:0
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at Burst.Compiler.IL.ILVerifier.VisitEntryPointFunction (Burst.Backend.Module module, Burst.Compiler.IL.MethodReferenceWithHash methodReference) [0x0001f] in <37bebafd236f4ccd943dc039a926a017>:0
    at Burst.Compiler.IL.ILHash.CompileHash (Burst.Backend.Module module, Burst.Compiler.IL.MethodReferenceWithHash methodReference) [0x00000] in <37bebafd236f4ccd943dc039a926a017>:0
    at Burst.Compiler.IL.NativeCompiler.ComputeHash () [0x000ea] in <37bebafd236f4ccd943dc039a926a017>:0
    at Burst.Compiler.IL.Jit.JitCompiler.CompileMethod (Mono.Cecil.MethodReference methodReference, Burst.Compiler.IL.Jit.JitOptions jitOptions) [0x000aa] in <37bebafd236f4ccd943dc039a926a017>:0
    at Burst.Compiler.IL.Jit.JitCompilerService.Compile (Burst.Compiler.IL.Jit.JitCompilerService+CompileJob job) [0x002b2] in <37bebafd236f4ccd943dc039a926a017>:0

    While compiling job: System.Void Unity.Jobs.IJobParallelForExtensions/ParallelForJobStruct`1<Unity.Entities.GatherChunks>::Execute(T&,System.IntPtr,System.IntPtr,Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe.JobRanges&,System.Int32)

    (Filename: Line: 0)

    Checking for leaked weakptr:
    Found no leaked weakptrs.

    Any ideas on how to fix or find a workaround for this?
  2. Peter77


    QA Jesus

    Jun 12, 2013
    It looks like an Unity issue.

    Could you please submit a bug-report, as described in this document:

    After you submitted the bug-report, you receive a confirmation email with a bug-report Case number. You can post this Case number here (in this forum thread) for Unity staff to pick up, in case they see this post.
    futurlab_peterh likes this.
  3. futurlab_peterh


    Jan 23, 2018
    Thank you - bug has been reported: 1109514
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2018
    Peter77 likes this.
  4. Peter77


    QA Jesus

    Jun 12, 2013
    I recommend you edit your post and replace the link with just the Case number. Otherwise you give everyone access to your bug-report history, which may or may not contain sensitive data in the future.
    futurlab_peterh likes this.