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Resolved color wheel Bug: UI elements underneath picked (bug fixed in 2020.2.6f1))

Discussion in 'High Definition Render Pipeline' started by Ne0mega, Feb 13, 2021.

  1. Ne0mega


    Feb 18, 2018
    I have a scriptable object with an array of colors in it.
    As I go down and pick/change colors, instead of changing on the color wheel, it selects the element underneath. If dragging, it will sometimes even re-arrange the order of the colors in the scriptable object. 2020.2.1f.1

    I cant exactly figure out why it works sometimes, and not others, but it seems to start bugging after about 2 or 3 color wheel picks. I suspect is has something to do with the if the mouse is over an actionable GUI area underneath the color wheel, it will perform the action on that instead of the color wheel.

    I figured out I can drag the color wheel over the game or editor screen, and it stops the problem.

    I just figured that out. Worse, I just figured out I don't have to close the color wheel every time I pick a color... (must have been an old habit).

    Edit: this appears to be most pop-up dialogues. And it seems to get worse over time. Menaing, when I first start Unity, it acts fine, and the longer I am on unity, the more likely the dialogue is to pop up, but allow mouse commands to go through it and affect dialogues below it.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2021