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Unity's version control component has been upgraded to Plastic SCM.

Collaborate can't commit anymore, No space left on device

Discussion in 'Unity Collaborate' started by FrozenBotsStudio, Mar 3, 2017.

  1. FrozenBotsStudio


    Jun 27, 2016
    Hello !

    We seem to have an issue for commits, we get the following error :
    [Collab] Errno::ENOSPC: No space left on device @ dir_s_mkdir - /opt/unity/unity-collab-service/ucs/repoclones/XXXXXXXXXX

    We thought we had reached some kind of storage limit, but in the services we see :
    Entire project history is 2.4 GB.

    I thought the limit was set at 15Gb ?

    Also, we tried to archive older files to save space, but then we get the following :
    Unable to archive: project is locked because there is a commit or other archive operation in progress. (423)

    We don't want to loose what we have done se reverting is not an option...

    Is there something going on with the servers ?
  2. Zwilnik


    Jul 22, 2014
    We had this for a short time yesterday too and had the same archive error message
  3. Ryan-Unity


    Mar 23, 2016
    Hi @FrozenBotsStudio and @Zwilnik! We did have an outage last week that resulted in that device space error message. It had nothing to do with your storage limit so you should still be good to keep working. We resolved the outage shortly after but there may have been some side effects, such as the archiving errors.

    Are you either of you still seeing archive operations still in progress? If you do then DM me with your project ID so that we can unblock you.
  4. gpquanli


    Jan 13, 2017
    I believe I have a similar problem to this. When I try to commit it looks like I am uploading, then as soon as it reaches 100% it does not upload it at all. Am I out of memory or is there a problem with the collab server?
    When I try to archive one of my updates it also says someone else is committing and its not letting me archive specific commits. My project is currently 4.4Gb.
  5. Ryan-Unity


    Mar 23, 2016
    Hi @gpquanli! Our service was experiencing some issues last Saturday which could have resulted in the errors that you were seeing. Are you still seeing these errors today after restarting Unity?
  6. gpquanli


    Jan 13, 2017
    Let me try. I will inform you asap.
  7. gpquanli


    Jan 13, 2017
    Yeah! Everything is working smoothly. Thanks!
    Ryan-Unity likes this.
  8. MrLucid72


    Jan 12, 2016
    I tried to archive for the first time today and receiving the same error:

    Unable to archive: project is locked because there is a commit or other archive operation in progress. (423)

    However, note that I am trying to archive some old collab commits -- not an entire project. Perhaps different error causes?
  9. Ryan-Unity


    Mar 23, 2016
    Hi again, @dylanh7244! Sorry you're getting these issues committing old commits. If you can message me your UPID I can get your project unblocked so that you can try archiving again.
    MrLucid72 likes this.
  10. MrLucid72


    Jan 12, 2016
    a speedy QA got it done for me ;D thanks!
    Ryan-Unity likes this.
  11. ViperTechnologies


    Apr 28, 2017
    hi all :)
    i am going to jump outta window now xD ... its been near 12 hours of trying ... though i have a decent internet connection my very first publish (commit/push) faild with msg cant publish to the cloud (collaborate)
    then i clicked on collab and pushed again without any commit msgs (original size 1.3GB) after that i realized that WOW ! its just 363 mb that is being upload to the server ... then i looked at the history i have 2 commits one of them is redundant and contain 18 files and the other contain 2K files ... i searched for couple of hours watching youtube reading posts in here and ther ... finally i decided to archive my project (since there is no delete button for the project which is so annoying and have me lost on it in the developers pane.) so i went back to unity first turned of collab for the project and then unassigned the project (unlinked) and then hit the Almighty "ARCHIVE" button to archive my project ... done nice and easy the usages was back to ZERO (i am so happy :D) then i just switch service back ON and assigned a new project ID and link it then changed the project name and then sitched Collaboration ON again ... gave it a moment and DONE ... Surprisingly i saw my commit msg (the commit i mentioned before with 18 files...) which was for the previous project with another project id .... WHAT DA HELL !? i asked myself ... recheck everything and and then surrender to it if its that way or not ... had no idea ... anyway .. i pushed one more time so i can be sure this time it will work ! it goes to 100% and then S*** happened ... it says "Check with the owner with Access or something like that" again i thought maybe its me maybe i am doing something wrong ... i went back to panel and tried to archive the newly created project as well this time another error !
    "Unable to archive: project is locked because there is a commit or other archive operation in progress. (423)"
    i am so wish to get rid of all of that without loosing my project (Local Copy). please guide me please
    my project IDs are as folows :
    Viper Technologies UPID 02cd7beb-3df2-4140-810e-2b8636b6519e
    Viper Technologies UPID 72b717bc-aed2-4abc-9b68-bf7ec2e294e