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Clingy - dynamic attachments library (free & open source)

Discussion in 'Assets and Asset Store' started by all_iver, Apr 4, 2018.

  1. all_iver


    Nov 11, 2013
    Clingy is my attempt at making a general purpose attachments/relationships library for Unity. The idea is to have a simple API to do things like create/destroy joints at runtime, make chains or bridges, have objects that follow each other around, position and hold weapons, have a foundation for in-game base-building and positioning, and other stuff like that. It lets you create Attach Points, subscribe to events on Attachments, transition/tween objects in and out of Attachments, etc, so you can just call Attach() and abstract away a bunch of complexity. It also lets you play around with physics joints a lot easier because you can describe your joint configuration in the editor but create the joints at runtime, rather than having to manually add joints to all your objects or do a bunch of config in code and then redo it all when you want to try a different joint type.

    I'd say Clingy is alpha quality right now - it hasn't really been battle tested, but please check it out and let me know if you find this interesting or want some help using it!
    theANMATOR2b, Razmot and MostHated like this.
  2. all_iver


    Nov 11, 2013
    I've been working on example scenes, so I made a quick demo video of me clicking through them. Hopefully this will make it a little more obvious what this asset is for. :) Any feedback is appreciated!

    slimshader likes this.