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Cinemachine 2D: Group Camera Assistance

Discussion in 'Cinemachine' started by KriYorDev, Mar 19, 2019.

  1. KriYorDev


    Oct 3, 2017

    I am trying to achieve what is described in this tutorial as Group Camera.:

    Unfortunately, it is one of the few points without a video and the description just doesn't work for me. Although I believe I do what is described and I can see a camera icon moving in the Scene, but my PlayerFollow camera still doesn't move in accordance to my GroupCamera during Play mode. All I want is to achieve a dynamic zoom in/out on my 2D platformer.

    I tried searching for the example project used in this supposedly official Unity tutorial but that it wasn't provided. It would have fixed my problem if I can see a real example as 2D Cinemachine examples are quite few and very basic. Can anyone provide some more info on how to do that or an example project where this already works? I apologise if the request is too needy, but if a tutorial was made I am hoping someone might provide me with something.

    Thank you!
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2019
  2. Gregoryl


    Unity Technologies

    Dec 22, 2016
    Have you looked at the 2D examples in the CinemachineExamples package that comes with CM?
  3. KriYorDev


    Oct 3, 2017
    For some reason, I did not find them until two days ago. The thing is that I didn't see the examples when I downloaded Cinemachine from the Package Manager and assumed there weren't any.

    Right now I had to download Cinemachine from Github and import then import the CinemachineExamples package into my own project. Then I was able to reuse the already provided scripts and although I am still getting used to the many settings, it does work. Even in inexperienced hands such as mine.

    Please do correct me if am doing something wrong.