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Character Quest Motives?

Discussion in 'Game Design' started by TonyLi, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    I think I finally figured out what was missing with my procedural quest generator. Now I'd like to ask for your help.

    The quest generator produces very mechanical quests: Rats in the Innkeeper's cellar? "Kill 5 Rats." Painting in the public museum and not in the Corrupt Art Collector's vault? "Steal the Painting." Black Knight killed the Mayor's son? "Kill the Black Knight."

    It also uses a planner to chain actions -- "Collect hemlock and mandrake. Craft them into poison. Acquire a guard uniform. Infiltrate the castle. Poison the king." -- more interesting, but still mechanical.

    Dynamic text templates based on the quest-giver's traits and the target add some variety:
    • Template: "{Hello}! {Kill} {TargetCount} {TargetDescriptor} {Target}"
    • Inkeeper: "Hi! Exterminate 5 annoying rats."
    • Pirate: "Ahoy! Gut 5 scurvy mutineers."
    ...a little more interesting, but still mechanical -- do this, do that, receive a reward.

    I spent far too long trying to devise more-interesting actions before realizing that all stories break down into nothing but mechanical actions (for the most part*).

    It's the motive for the actions that make a quest interesting. (If you disagree, please let me know why!)

    (FWIW, I did prototype fully hand-written Mad Libs-style quest templates. They let the author convey motives and carefully hand craft sequences of actions, but they're too cookie-cutter unless you write a gazillion of them.)

    Instead, I think the happy medium is to preface the steps with a hand-written motive template. Instead of "Kill the Black Knight," the quest would be "I'm wracked with grief! The foul Black Knight murdered my beloved son. I won't rest until his death is avenged. Will you help? + Kill the Black Knight."

    The preface ("I'm wracked with grief... Will you help?") is chosen from a library of templates based on how well it matches certain qualities (in this case: Quest-giver accepts Violence; Quest-giver is Vindictive; Quest-giver knows Target killed Victim; Quest-giver loves Victim).

    It will still be a lot of work for the author to write a library of motive templates. But since motive templates can pair with different action chains, the quests should have adequate variety.

    What are interesting motive templates?

    Here are some I've come up with:
    • Protect the Helpless: (Quest-giver abhors Violence; Quest-giver likes Target; Quest-giver is more powerful than Target; Target is threatened)
    • Eye for an Eye: (Quest-giver is Vindictive; Target did deed that harmed Victim; Quest-giver likes Victim)
    • Revenge for Murder: (Same qualities as above, plus Target killed Victim; this template has more-specific text referencing murder)
    • Uphold the Law: (Quest-giver values Order; Target did deed that defies or threatens Order)
    • Woo an Unrequited Lover: (Quest-giver loves Target; Target dislikes Quest-giver)
    • Frame a Political Rival: (Quest-giver is Political; Quest-Giver is Devious; Quest-Giver dislikes Target)

    Any other ideas come to mind?

    * Dialogue-based quests (e.g., talk a suicidal jumper off a ledge) are beyond the current scope of this generator.
  2. frosted


    Jan 17, 2014
    This is really insightful.

    Don't have any suggestions atm, but I'm really interested to see where you take this.

    Also interested in how you generate out the conditions such that they make sense (if you've gotten to this point).
    TonyLi likes this.
  3. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    The conditions are all implemented.

    Most of them just use Love/Hate. "Abhors Violence", "Is Vindictive", "Values Order" are personality traits. "Target killed Victim" is a deed memory. "Quest-giver is more powerful than Target" is a simple power level function. For the quest generator plugin, I've also written a rudimentary stand-in for Love/Hate so it isn't required.

    The rest are built into the generator in the form of "quest areas" and "happiness influences". Rats can be in the Innkeeper's Cellar quest area. Each rat has a happiness influence that makes quest area observers (such as the Innkeeper) unhappy. If they reduce happiness and are more powerful than the Innkeeper (e.g., an Ogre), they're a threat. If there's grain in the cellar, the grain can have a lower power level than the rats, thus they're threatened by the rats.
  4. BackwoodsGaming


    Jan 2, 2014
    To go along with some of the things we talked about and the possibility of integration with other products:

    Companion to Emerald Animal AI:
    Cull the predators: The [predator name] population has grown to an unacceptable number threatening not only our forests but also our livestock, families, and crops. Please help us thin these numbers by slaying and delivering [whatever harvested item from predators - pelts, meat, etc] to [whatever village crafter would use those items]

    Protect the forests: (similar to above but just a kill x number of predators)

    Grow the herd: Due to recent growth in numbers of [predator], the [prey] population has dwindled. We were able to capture some healthy males and females so we could help protect and increase their numbers. Please take these [number] [prey] and safely release them into the wild. You may have to watch once you release them to ensure they go safely on their way.

    Other things might be more specific village support type collection quests. Herbs, meats, etc for the village cook. Raise livestock for the butcher. Raise crops for the cook. Mine ore for the blacksmith. Collect skins/pelts for the leatherworker. Harvest trees for the carpenter. Collect artifacts for the historian. etc.

    I think for a lot of things, it will be difficult to come up with a generic motive since a lot of what can make a quest interesting is backstory. Generally the back story is going to be game and lore specific. I think mainly if you give us the tool that we can plug in our own backstories/motives, that will be the key thing. Give us the tool and examples and we should be able to build a library off of that based off of our world's history, factions that are in friction with each other, characters or clans that are troublesome that exhibit certain behaviors, etc.

    Loving seeing more about Quest Machine!

    [Oh, the other ideas were based off of @AdamGoodrich's Gaia. We have talked about the possibility of seed tracking when plants/trees are spawned but I think it might be something that will come down the road if he chooses to implement it. Also, guess I'm not 100% sure where @BHS stands on the tracking animal spawns yet either... Something that was suggested but not sure it has been implemented or made it to the road map... heh *crosses fingers for both products* :p ]
    TonyLi likes this.
  5. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Thanks! I'm going to follow your suggestion and focus mainly on making it easy for authors like you to write their own game-specific motives, actions, and dialects. (I use "dialect" loosely here to mean vocabulary choices.)

    Motives aren't tied to specific actions. To take one of your suggestions, the motive would be more like this:
    • Cull the predators: The [predator name] population has grown to an unacceptable number threatening not only our forests but also our livestock, families, and crops. Please help us thin these numbers.
    Depending on factors such as the quest-giver's personality traits, the associated action(s) could be "kill [n] [predators]" or "bring back the [drop-loot] from [n] [predators]" or even "use this Polymorph-to-Chickens Wand on [n] [predators]". (Maybe a wizard is against killing but doesn't mind if you turn them all into chickens.)
    theANMATOR2b and Teila like this.
  6. BackwoodsGaming


    Jan 2, 2014
    lol Brilliant! I love the sound of it! And I'm assuming using a combination of Quest Machine / Love/Hate (for those who have it - although everyone should! heheh), that rewards could be different based on player popularity with the quest-giver / village faction / etc as well?

    Sorry.. Question was a bit off topic from the motive part. Back on-topic, so the motive is basically the problem requiring an action to be performed and not necessarily the required action to be performed, if I'm understanding correctly. Got it.. Loving the sound of this system more and more with every bit of info you release!
  7. JoeStrout


    Jan 14, 2011
    How about Finish a Project? Quest-giver has something they're working on (I'll let you figure out what attributes that implies), but needs help from the player to finish it (gather ingredients or remove obstacle).

    Impress the People — quest-giver desires to increase his reputation (for political gain or just because they have a big ego).

    Atonement — quest-giver feels terribly guilty about something, and wants to atone (either by punishing himself in some way, or by somehow making it up to whoever they wronged before).

    Good ol' fashioned Profit — quest-giver wants to make money, and needs the player's help (delivery jobs, ingredient-gathering, etc.).

    Divine Direction — quest-giver believes a god has spoken to them directly, or otherwise given them some goal they must accomplish.

    Good Prank — quest-giver thinks they're funny, and wants to pull off a joke on someone, with the player's help.
    AndrewGrayGames, Kiwasi and TonyLi like this.
  8. hopeful


    Nov 20, 2013
    Just throwing these common quest ideas out there, to be sure they're covered ...

    Steal artifact or Recover stolen artifact
    Find something or Deliver something
    Abduct someone or Rescue someone
    Attack someone or Repel attackers
    Destroy something or Protect something

    As for motives, these can include:

    Obtain a cure / food / other necessity for someone else (altruism)
    Clear my name
    Eliminate my rival
    Foil my rival's plans
    Help a faction become more powerful
    Act to make a faction less powerful
    TonyLi and Teila like this.
  9. Teila


    Jan 13, 2013
    Sounds great!

    I also would like to see ones that give player characters a job as well as the wonderful ones above, such as:

    Gather something.
    Make something
    Deliver something
    Do something (sing a song, dance, play the flute, cheer up, etc.)

    Actually, it is best to let us make our own and give us the templates to do so. There will be so many different ideas!
    TonyLi and hopeful like this.
  10. tedthebug


    May 6, 2015
    If you are tracking relationship webs between players & npc's you could have interlocking ones depending on if the player has met an npc, the level of relationship with them, whether they have done any quests that inter relate to this npc. You could monitor the level of attachment to people, places & things & structure/word the quests around the strength of the connections. This would let you have things like helping a neighbour do house repairs, helping the village form a militia against wolves (the trained militia can then maintain safety against smaller packs when the player isn't there but will take losses & or injuries which means maybe the player can help do harvesting etc). As the village prospers from being safe the player might be offered militia set up opportunities in other areas. Does this lead to something akin to a standing army loyal to the player? Is that a threat to the current rulers? Do corrupt officials in the villages try to use the militia to gradually expand their rule via small objectives that seem just but add up to corruption? Does the player form a flying squad that protects the land between the villages & lead them until they are eventually able to lead themselves?......

    Interesting concepts will be in this thread, I'm looking forward to reading them all.
    TonyLi and Teila like this.
  11. hopeful


    Nov 20, 2013
    A variant on the abduction / rescue theme would be to "find and recover the escaped prisoner."
    TonyLi and Teila like this.
  12. Teila


    Jan 13, 2013
    @tedthebug, I bet if you used this with Love/Hate, another of Tony's assets, you could do just that. :)
  13. BackwoodsGaming


    Jan 2, 2014
    Tony has an asset called Love/Hate (!/content/33063) that is a relationship system. If you had that along with this new system, the relationship tracking solution would be there to do this part. Since that system exists, you would probably need it as a companion product to deal with the relationship but I think from the way he described the interaction in past posts, this kind of stuff will be possible.

    EDIT: lol.. Talk about timing @Teila! lol
    Teila likes this.
  14. tedthebug


    May 6, 2015
    damn, I should read peoples tags. It seems more possible now than when I typed it.
    theANMATOR2b and Teila like this.
  15. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Yup, the idea is that Love/Hate can provide the social context to help generate quests. I've designed it so you can still inject social data without Love/Hate if that's the way you want to go. Same with the Dialogue System, which can provide the interface for quest conversations and quest tracking but isn't required.

    Thanks, everyone, for the fantastic motive ideas. You're all awesome! (If any more motive ideas come to you, please post!)

    To address Teila's post, you can also define your own actions, which are the "to do" parts of a quest such as "gather something" and "make something," whereas the motive is the reason why the quest-giver wants them done.

    You can also define your own happiness influences, which specify how the presence of quest entities in certain quest areas (e.g., rats in the cellar) affect the happiness of a specific class of quest-givers (e.g., the innkeeper that owns the cellar).

    BTW, I'm open to suggestions for a better term than "happiness influence." The idea of happiness comes from utility-based AI like in The Sims. A sim's Happiness is a function of its hunger, thirst, socialization, and other internal values. The sim chooses the "smart object" (sandwich, shower, etc.) that advertises that it can best improve the sim's Happiness. In the quest generator, the quest-giver generates a quest involving one of the objects that most reduce its happiness according to the attributes that influence the quest-giver's happiness. The term "happiness influence" fits, but it strikes me as kind of clunky.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2015
    Teila likes this.
  16. theANMATOR2b


    Jul 12, 2014
    Not necessarily a disagreement, more of a personal enjoyment.
    TonyLi are these quests randomly generated? I guess they can be 'batched' based on difficulty - type. Go kill 5 rats until reach level 2. After level 2 go kill 10 rats.

    I think - for me - what makes quests more/most interesting is there uniqueness. Especially when talking about 'go kill' quests. Several Final Fantasy games are good for this, but the one I remember - that I could kind of follow the back end logic - was FF12.
    Example: Near the beginning of the game the Cockatrice enemies were pretty common - running around being grind fodder for the player. One of the beginning quests in the game was to go into Cockatrice 'country' and collect the feathers or the egg from a red crested Cockatrice. I'm exaggerating a little here because I don't remember the specifics, but the uniqueness of getting to fight and collect a red crested Cockatrice was a goal ultra pleasing because up to this point the player had not encountered a red crested Cockatrice.
    So the grind required to get to the area to perform the quest was nearly invisible because I was after the red crested Cockatrice. And the red crested Cockatrice was unique in the sense it was more difficult to fight, More HP, more aggressive, and had a unique strong attack etc etc.
    Additionally for me what would be cool is if the unique enemy has a different routine (set of animations) compared to the normal Cockatrice encountered up to that point.

    Replace the Cockatrice above with one of your Rats, but give him green eyes and a spike tail, make it unique. Manged Green Eyed Rat. :eek:
    I'd much rather go on this quest than a quest to kill 20 regular rats. But it's actually the same quest, to get to the Manged Green Eyed Rat I'd have to go through 20 regular rats, but the end goal is a unique enemy.

    This seems out of scope - but thought I'd chime in on how FF12's quest system and several other games have done this and it stands out to me, that these one off enemies have always made quests more interesting.
    TonyLi likes this.
  17. Teila


    Jan 13, 2013
    As an old The Sims fan, I love the Happiness influence. The fact that the NPCs actually choose in order to increase their happiness is so amazing. I can't wait to see it in action. :)

    You could use Contentment, Satisfaction, or Well-Being. I think all would work including Happiness.
    TonyLi likes this.
  18. Teila


    Jan 13, 2013
    Are these quests that would work in a generator? If they were, and they might be, why not just have the unique enemy be the reward for that quest? Kill the Manged Green Eyed Rat trigger the arrival of the Unique Enemy for whatever reason you invent. :) Not sure I see the uniqueness of this though since almost every game I have played in the past, not sure about current games, has the boss guy that you get to kill after killing all the lame minions.

    I think the uniqueness of Tony's system is that the quests are ours to customize and that they are dynamic, ever changing depending on the quest giver and if you use Love/Hate, the quest taker's relationship with the quest giver and/or reputation in the community.

    So, every quest will be slightly different and if you have 500 players, each player will have a different experience.

    That is so cool. :)
    BackwoodsGaming likes this.
  19. theANMATOR2b


    Jul 12, 2014
    I'm not sure Teila, I think so - because these were not part of the regular quest lines. More like grind quests, so possibly random, but with the extra level of detail with the unique enemy characters.
    I guess my point was - this is neat when grinding - which is a customary game play - for this type of system imo.
    I have not used Tony's system so just ignore any non-relevant suggestions. :)

    Yes this is true, I agree. But this was not like that linear type of delivery. More like sub-mini bosses during level up grinding.

    Now I might be getting off track - I seem to have had a memory spark - and remember these might have been designed monster hunter type quests within the FF universe.
    Please disregard. o_O
    BackwoodsGaming likes this.
  20. cozduin


    May 3, 2015
    Some quests, instead of given straightforwardly, could be based around clues.

    For example:

    Mythic ritual: "Some villagers believe that if you jump three times under a dead tree somewhere around the village something bad will happen. But I don't believe in those superstitions."

    Fragmented Map: "I once was excited to pursue this treasure, but the only thing I got was this teared map. Half of it is missing. It's useless. Take it if you want, just don't complain to me later that you lost your time."

    Person description: "I miss my old love. I always complained that she liked to wear that battered purple dress... Perhaps someday I will meet her again. Oh well."

    Hidden path: "When I was a child, my father used to tell me that if I saw a trail of small red stones, never, ever, follow it. Either way, I never found one."
    TonyLi, Teila, hopeful and 2 others like this.
  21. BackwoodsGaming


    Jan 2, 2014
    I wouldn't disregard.. I think it still might be something that would be good if it could be worked into the system. How complex is this system going to be, Tony? I wonder if at times it could randomly generate quests that would be special quests. Say a players love/hate (or whatever the dev is using to manage faction with the npc) reaches a certain point, maybe the npc could generate a unique mini-epic type quest chain where they would be sent out in search of the green eyed rat.. Clues lead them to a special room that triggers a spawn chain. Maybe the first would be two rats, then a wave of three rats, and finally the green eyed rat. Or something similar. Just using @theANMATOR2b's rat example and expanding on it. Will Quest Machine have spawn triggers which can handle spawning quest named mobs, mob waves, and stuff like that as well as the motives, actions, rewards?
    TonyLi and theANMATOR2b like this.
  22. hopeful


    Nov 20, 2013
    The Search for the Green Eyed Rat could be a specific find and defeat quest.

    I'm not sure how the rest of this works out, but somehow this would have to link to an actual rat located somewhere ...?
  23. tedthebug


    May 6, 2015
    Have all the quest elements & a random generator linking x# of elements. I'm sure someone mentioned something like that above. They don't even need to link into the main storyline, they can just lead the player to affect their happiness meter & the love/hate of npc's they cross. Link it in with the other thread on AI for conversations & have a complete rpg sim that means you never have to go & interact with real people ever again :D
    theANMATOR2b likes this.
  24. hopeful


    Nov 20, 2013
    I guess you could say the quest generator picks whichever quests have the highest "q-factor," which is based on a calculation of this or that.
  25. sicga123


    Jan 26, 2011
    It would be nice to have an external event cause quests, by this I mean a political event in the world give rise to quests. Take the witch craze in Germany. This doesn't arise because there are witches, it arises because the Pope changes the witchcraft prosecution laws that basically state that if someone is proven to be a witch they're accuser gets their land and goods. The witch craze stops when it ahs gotten too out of hand and the law is changed again removing the land reward for accusing a witch.
    Or take the common law in England after the Norman conquest. Normans were being ambushed and killed, so the king passes a law that when a dead body is found near a village or in a village the coroner has to determine whether it is a Norman. If identity can't be proven or it is a Norman the entire village is fined. So on several occasions this gave rise to villagers moving a body outside their area of responsibility. Or say in the Belgian Congo when a bounty was put on killing rebels and proving it by chopping off the right hand, a number of mercenaries went from village to village just chopping off the hand of anyone found there.Same with scalping native Americans in the colonies. If there was a system in the quest generator which allowed that kind of customisation it's a system I would definietly buy. Not that interested in grind quests to be honest.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2015
    TonyLi likes this.
  26. tedthebug


    May 6, 2015
    Modular quest builder, like visual scripting. Add modules, link them with rules, then drop in quest headers like a list for each module. Branch each header into a detail area .....ok, that just got way bigger than anyone should do as an add on.
  27. sicga123


    Jan 26, 2011
    Thinking about it probably it could work without any additions. Using love/hate changes taht are external to the close by communities i.e. similar to a Papal Bull, could be used to affect the emotional states of NPCs and then one just needs quests to be kicked off when certain emotional states have propagated through the community. All that setup is really down to the developer customising both love7 hate and the quest generator, everything else such as the social setup of the world can only be dealt with by a developer anyway and can have nothing to do with the asset developer.
  28. tedthebug


    May 6, 2015
    Maybe emotional states of npc's could cascade & affect others so it may start as quell a rising tide of discontent up to revolt if you take to long
    theANMATOR2b and TonyLi like this.
  29. sicga123


    Jan 26, 2011
    Yes, that sort of thing which could kick off a series of quests. One of which might be that the player hears about a rabble rouser heading towards the town, maybe even an agent provocateur, so the quest would be to intercept that NPC.
  30. Kiwasi


    Dec 5, 2013
    Yay, another one of your threads! These are always so thought provoking.

    I would add some sort of proving worth or finding identity quest to the list. After all, isn't that what adolescence is all about?

    There is also the forge legacy motivation. Some people just want to be remembered.

    And don't forget family ties. Most ordinary people are motivated by ordinary things like putting food on the table for the kids. Ordinary people doing this fundamental task are a big part of making a world seem real.
    Fera_KM, theANMATOR2b and TonyLi like this.
  31. Teila


    Jan 13, 2013
    One time quests that follow the story line should be written into your game and triggered by some event, such as a player finding something or meeting a specific NPC. I am not sure these would be the right sort of quests for Tony's pack though as his is a procedural quest so is not going to allow for a deep even driven system. His Dialogue system is perfect for these deeper systems and even has the tools needed for triggers and whatnot.

    I could be wrong, but from past discussions, Tony's procedural quest tool is more for making simple quests that can be attached to the motives/relationships created by Love/Hate.

    You guys are getting into spawning and waves, which in my mind are easier done other ways and triggers, such as the boss guy, and then epic quests, written especially for your particular game, so not procedural.

    I don't think his replaces your quest system, it just adds simple quests (really not so simple but still easy to do procedurally) as a supplement to other quests. It would work well in a MMO where you would not want the same exact quest repeated over and over by players, or maybe in an open world Sandbox. It could be used in any game to add interest and living NPC interactions as well as a way for the player to gain experience and/or money.
    hopeful likes this.
  32. gregdberg


    Sep 2, 2015
    This is a really cool idea! Do the quest givers have a relationship to the player?
    It would also be cool if you tracked how many good/evil quests that the player has done. (morality)
    So for instance, an npc that highly values Order might only offer quests to a character that has done more "good" quests than "evil" ones. Or, if you have done too many evil quests, the npc would fight you!
    A priest npc could offer a difficult quest to players who have done too many evil quests, which could "redeem" them, and reset their morality. Something like retrieve a holy relic, or slay a demon.
    Also possible, if you have done too many quests involving murder, questgivers who dislike violence would refuse to give you quests. "I've heard of you, murderer! I'll have no business with the likes of you!"
  33. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    So many great ideas. Thank you again, everyone!

    Precisely. You might end up with unexpected quests when the generator chains together actions that a human author might not think to chain. You might end up with emotionally resonant quests when, say, a distraught villager asks you to avenge the murder of a relative, who perhaps was killed as a result of events you set into action earlier. But you won't get long quest chains with defined themes and a strong narrative thread running through them. I think that's still best left to human authors.

    Quests can trigger events when they activate and when they complete. You might have a Red Crested Cockatrice Spawner that exerts a happiness influence when the player is powerful enough. The quest-giver would then choose this Spawner and generate a quest to "resolve" it -- for example by using its "kill what this thing spawns" action. When the quest activates, it'll spawn the elusive Red Crested Cockatrice.

    I envision this working by setting some values that cause happiness influences to exert themselves. For example, when villagers' faction to witches reaches a certain threshold, the happiness influences take effect, causing the villagers to generate quests involving witches.

    Good idea! I hadn't thought of this. I'll have to give it some more thought to figure out a way to incorporate this.

    Yes, the quest generator works with Love/Hate to track this. If you choose not to use Love/Hate, your code would be responsible for tracking the values.
    theANMATOR2b and Teila like this.
  34. sicga123


    Jan 26, 2011
    @Teila - doesn't have to be part of the storyline at all. If one has a quest about rats one needs the rat models, the rat AI, the merchant model, the cellar for the rats. All these are needed in the game. In my idea, the king passes a proclamation, one of the NPCs goes and is assigned in the AI a task. The player then finds out that if this guy gets back to the village there may be problems. The player decides to intercept the NPC, a fight ensues. Or the player decides not to take the quest. The NPC gets back and goes about their normal tasks, however, on reaching the village the NPC has an effect on the love/hate of the village and the relationships with outsiders, maybe they now detest Elves and the player is an elf so failing the quest has an effect on the player. Doesn't require much AI or even rat models. If one fights the NPC outside the village there will be a battle, but if not there is no requirement on the part of the AI to create loads more scenes to show this NPC actually rabble rousing, it's all done off camera.

    However, at the end of the day every quest has to be scripted into the storyline anyway, one can't throw about rat catcher quests without deciding that is a part of the game and obtaining the assets for it so it's really just a matter of perspective. Rather than creating rat AI one could create riot AI for NPCs. This kind of thing is what Unity excels in.
  35. AndrewGrayGames


    Nov 19, 2009
    I can think of a couple that focus on the NPC instead of the objective:
    1. The Lazy NPC
      The NPC can do something which is trivial to both them and the player, but doesn't want to. This laziness can play into secondary quests - the NPC's failure to do something sets up some other problem.
    2. The Incompetent NPC
      The NPC can't do something which should be trivial to them, but the player isn't so crippled. This can set up quests like the Lazy NPC, but the Incompetent NPC can also be used for a new type of quest - a 'training' quest, where you show the NPC how to not suck so much.
    Teila and TonyLi like this.
  36. gregdberg


    Sep 2, 2015
    In that case, I think an interesting motive template for a quest would be:
    Turncoat: (Quest-giver dislikes target, Quest-giver is devious, Target loves Player, Quest-giver likes player)
    "Well PLAYER, I see you've become quite close with TARGET. Thing is, TARGET rubs me the wrong way. I can't get near TARGET without arousing suspicion. That's where you come in. Use your closeness with TARGET to dispatch HIM/HER and I assure you, you'll be greatly rewarded."

    This gives the player an interesting choice to make, as they would have to kill an npc that they have build a relationship with in order to achieve the reward.
  37. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Nice one, and fairly easy to implement. Thanks for specifying the conditions so clearly.

    EDIT: Not related to the motive above, but I was updating internal documentation and came across one of my early test cases. The quest-givers are Man and Woman, and the quest entity is Toilet Seat. Not sure why a reasonable person would ask the player to raise or lower the seat instead of doing it themselves, but maybe that falls under the Lazy or Incompetent NPC motives. :)
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2015
    theANMATOR2b and Teila like this.
  38. tedthebug


    May 6, 2015
    Maybe the npc had just watched Lethal Weapon 2 & didn't trust the toilet?
    TonyLi and Teila like this.
  39. sicga123


    Jan 26, 2011
    Maybe if the player takes on a role in the game temporarily i.e. forester, the quest generator would create a number of random quests to do with that role, so a forester may automatically have to check for any fallen trees that block a road, or check on a sawmill. Not quests that have to be done immediately but if not done within a certain time limit may change community happiness etc. Might be a useful template to have. Also the player giving themselves quests similar to the idea of helping others in need, more an internal dialogue with a similar effect to making an oath. Failing in a quest like this, or backing out because the opposition is too great would alter the players confidence rating maybe?
    TonyLi likes this.
  40. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    You can define arbitrary attributes, which can include Love/Hate personality traits as a subset. You could define a "forester" attribute and put a happiness influence on the sawmill that requires a minimum forester value. When the player meets the requirement, the happiness influence might cause the quest-giver to choose the sawmill as the focus of the quest.

    The system doesn't currently do anything if the player fails other than marking the quest failed. I've made a note to look into author-definable events on failure. Thanks for the suggestion!
  41. gregdberg


    Sep 2, 2015
    I thought of another idea for a quest inspired by the "quest-giver is political" attribute you mentioned.

    Petition (Quest-giver is political, Quest-giver likes player)

    You would have to get a certain number of signatures on a political petition. You could get signatures by talking to different target npcs that share certain personality traits with the quest-giver. For instance, if the quest-giver is a politician with the traits "empathetic" and "likes children" they could give a petition to build an orphanage. Target npcs with the "empathetic" or "likes children," would agree to sign the petition. If the politician was evil they could give a petition to tear down the orphanage.

    This could be taken a step further, where certain personality traits would have alternative reactions (other than refusing to sign). If the target npc is greedy, he or she could ask the player to bribe them for a signature. If the target npc really likes the player, he or she could ignore any personal convictions and sign the petition anyway. If the target npc is unintelligent, they could sign the petition without regard to what it says.
  42. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Noted! Not all of these motives are going to be built into the released product, but I'll do my best to make sure the system is designed to support the author adding any of them that they want.
    Teila likes this.
  43. Licarell


    Sep 5, 2012
    @TonyLi So how is this coming along?

    It's been a while and hoping this hasn't been dropped...
  44. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Not dropped at all! Development's just been slower than I hoped while also supporting the Dialogue System and Love/Hate. But it's moving along!
  45. Licarell


    Sep 5, 2012

    Thanks again for all your hard work, I love your other assets and looking forward to the purchase of this when it's released...
  46. hopeful


    Nov 20, 2013
    Yeah, I've been thinking about this one probably about every week for a while now. I'm not super sure it's a thing I could use, but I'm curious about it. :)
  47. TonyLi


    Apr 10, 2012
    Sorry it's taking so long. You can bet I'll post when it's finally available!
    BackwoodsGaming likes this.
  48. Teila


    Jan 13, 2013
    This is exactly what I want!! I much prefer to write my own or get my minions to do it for me. :) Thank you! Can't wait until the release!!
  49. hopeful


    Nov 20, 2013
    @TonyLi - Have you had an epiphany yet about Quest Machine? I thought I felt a stirring in the ethers. If you haven't yet, perhaps you soon will. ;)
    TonyLi, Teila and BackwoodsGaming like this.
  50. Teila


    Jan 13, 2013
    Me too!!
    TonyLi and BackwoodsGaming like this.