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Changing Tonemapping at runtime through C#

Discussion in 'Image Effects' started by Oscerlot, Aug 18, 2020.

  1. Oscerlot


    Nov 23, 2013

    I'm making an in-game level editor and I'm offering the ability to adjust the post processing per level. I'm accessing the PostProcessVolume and using TryGetSettings<>. I've been able to successfully use this for all settings (Bloom, AO, etc), but I can't get this working for Tonemapping.

    Trying to use TryGetSettings<Tonemapper>(), or any other way to grab it results in:

    "There is no boxing conversion from 'UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Tonemapper' to 'UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings'

    I understand why I'm getting this error, but I don't quite understand why there isn't a PostProcessEffectSettings for Tonemapping, or if there is, is it going by some other name which I'm not picking up on?

    So, in summary, how do I toggle and change the Tonemapping setting on a Post Process Volume at runtime?


    (Using 2019.3.10f1 and URP 7.3.1 with forward rendering)
  2. Oscerlot


    Nov 23, 2013
    For anyone looking in the future, I figured it out.
    Turns out I was using the wrong kind of method of grabbing the post processing info.

    I was meant to be using "UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal" instead of "UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing"

    I switched it to that, and got the profile using "UnityEngine.Rendering.VolumeProfile"

    Had a "Tonemapping tonemappingRef"

    Used "TryGet (out tonemappingRef)"

    Then I was able to edit the settings by calling "tonemappingRef.mode.value = TonemappingMode.ACES"

    Found that out thanks to this thread I stumbled upon
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