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Changing 'Root Motion Node' rotates whole model when animating

Discussion in 'Animation' started by pheedsta77, Feb 28, 2022.

  1. pheedsta77


    Nov 25, 2021
    I am using Meshtint assets in my project. I'm trying to get root motion to work with these models (instead of animating via script). They are not humanoid. On the prefab I have 'Apply Root Motion' checked in the 'Animator' component. In the 'Root Motion Node' I have set it to 'RigPelvis' which the same as the 'Root node' in the rig. When I instantiate the prefab, it moves at the expected speed, however the model rotates to face in an unusual direction (it starts walking up into the sky). How can ensure the model keeps the rotation it was instantiated in?