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Feedback CCD in action video

Discussion in 'Unity Cloud Content Delivery' started by darashayda, Sep 25, 2021.

  1. darashayda


    Jun 27, 2020

    CCD team, though you disappeared for past 2 days, thank you for being helpful for the short while.

    Now our team is able to build large Cloud parametrized Unity games with tiny binaries, we call these THIN Games.

    CCD will be crucial for our success and for the success of many customers approaching us for cloud parametrized games.

    Our organization in cooperation with Wolfram Research inc has developed number of Generative Free Form AI applications which allow the players and game developers to generate fancy variations of a game theme as though the entire CCD downloaded scenes were designed by professionals.

    And do so with loose Free Form Natural Language, with large array of gammers and semantics to allow for synthesis of advanced objects and their operations.

    When CCD team cooperated with one of us i.e. me, we can develop very fast, if ignored or snubbed then we look elsewhere. Please stay focused on our mission.

    I hope excellent rapport and cooperation with the CCD team and celebrate many advanced gaming applications together for years to come.

    ryan_ngo likes this.