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Can't seem to open the curve editor when working with particles

Discussion in '2018.1 Beta' started by Murgilod, Apr 26, 2018.

  1. Murgilod


    Nov 12, 2013
    Maybe something has changed with Unity 2018 in how you actually do this, but when I doubleclick on a curve field in the particle system, it just turns the default curve red. The only way I can actually edit the curve is to use the particle system editor and its dedicated curve window. Is this a bug or just something that's changed to a new method without me knowing? I first encountered the issue with the ECS build of 2018.1.12b but it persists in 2018.1.13b. I'm on Windows 10.
  2. Murgilod


    Nov 12, 2013
    IGNORE ME. I completely spaced and confused the particle curve editor and the animation curve editor.