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Resolved Can't run UWP builds on desktop Windows Mixed Reality

Discussion in 'VR' started by KevKevOnFire, Sep 2, 2020.

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  1. KevKevOnFire


    Mar 9, 2015
    We've been trying to the latest version of our VR app to Windows MR, and have been having serious issues when we attempt to run UWP versions. To try to narrow things down, I did attempt this with a nearly empty project. The project builds and deploys fine, but when running, the headset displays a black screen. Here's the relevant log:

    D3D11 device created for Microsoft Media Foundation video decoding.
    [Subsystems] Loading plugin WindowsMRXRSDK for subsystem Windows Mixed Reality Display...
    [Subsystems] XRSDK Windows Mixed Reality successfully registered Provider for Windows Mixed Reality Display
    [Subsystems] XRSDK Windows Mixed Reality successfully registered Provider for Windows Mixed Reality Input
    [Subsystems] XRSDK Windows Mixed Reality successfully registered Provider for Windows Mixed Reality Display
    [Subsystems] XRSDK Windows Mixed Reality successfully registered Provider for Windows Mixed Reality Input
    [Subsystems] XRSDK Windows Mixed Reality successfully registered Provider for Windows Mixed Reality Display
    [Subsystems] XRSDK Windows Mixed Reality successfully registered Provider for Windows Mixed Reality Meshing
    [Subsystems] Loading plugin WindowsMRXRSDK for subsystem Windows Mixed Reality Input...
    [Subsystems] Loading plugin WindowsMRXRSDK for subsystem Windows Mixed Reality Meshing...
    [Subsystems] Failed to initialize subsystem Windows Mixed Reality Meshing [error: 1]
    The following GlobalManagers were stripped from the build (Either because they're not used or not supported on this platform):
    Error on graphics thread: 1
    End showing splash screen.

    Technical info:
    Unity 2019.4.9f1
    Windows XR Plugin 2.3.0
    HP Mixed Reality Headset Developer Edition
    Built Targeting Any Device, x64

    Anyone else know what's going on/having similar issues?
  2. joejo


    Unity Technologies

    May 26, 2016
    Do you have Initialize on Start enabled for WSA?
  3. AndrewSpalato


    Sep 2, 2017
    I have the exact same problem. On a new empty project.

    Initialize XR on Startup is enabled on UWP.
    Using Unity 2019.4.11f1
    Windows XR Plugin 2.3.0
    Acer Mixed Reality Headset
    Build Targeting x64
  4. joejo


    Unity Technologies

    May 26, 2016
    Does this happen on a clean, new project with just XR enabled?
  5. AndrewSpalato


    Sep 2, 2017
    Unity versions tested: (All end with the same result)
    • 2019.4.11f1
    • 2019.4.12f1
    • 2020.1.9f1
    Project setup:
    • Installed XR Plugin Management.
    • Enabled Windows Mixed Reality Provider.
    • Enabled Initialize XR on Startup for UWP platform.
    • Converted the sample scene's Main Camera to an XR Rig and added to scenes in build.
    • Graphics API: Direct3D11
    • Graphics Jobs: Disabled
    • API compatibility level: Tried both .NET4.x and .NET Standard 2.0
    • Managed Stripping Level: Low
    Other packages installed:
    • Windows XR Plugin
    • XR Interaction Subsystems
    • XR Interaction Toolkit (Preview)
    • XR Legacy Input Helpers
    • Subsystem Registration
    • AR Subsystems
    (Non-preview packages are using verified packages for the specified Unity version). All other packages are "as is" when opening a new project).

    Build settings:
    • Target architecture: x64
    • Build type: D3D Project
    • Target SDK version: Latest Installed
    • Minimum Platform version: 10.0.10240.0
    • Visual Studio version: Latest Installed
    • Build and Run on: Local Machine
    • Build configuration: Debug/Release/master (I tried all three modes)
    • Copy references/Copy PDB Files/Development build all set to false.
    Builds succeed with Unity.
    Builds succeed with Visual Studio 2017 and 2019.

    When using Visual Studio to build for the first time, I was prompted to install tools which were required for UWP development.

    After a build is complete, deploying shows many threads that exit with code 0 and eventually the built app closes.
    The Visual Studio output shows UnityEngine.Debug logs while the app is running.

    Out of curiosity I tried to create an app package for sideloading and the app PASSED the Windows Certification Tool even though the app shows a black screen and I can still see the native Mixed Reality motion controllers being tracked.

    Is there a working configuration for Immersive Headsets to be deployed using XR Plugin Management and Windows Mixed Reality?

    I am able to also build and run for Windows Standalone Platform and that works fine for XR.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2020
  6. JasonCostanza


    Unity Technologies

    May 23, 2017
    Hello, If you can file a bug with a minimum repro attached I would be happy to take a look at it and see what we can find out. Sounds like something is acting fishy.
  7. AndrewSpalato


    Sep 2, 2017
  8. Figment_Tech


    Nov 24, 2016
    Any update on this @JasonCostanza
  9. JasonCostanza


    Unity Technologies

    May 23, 2017
    Hello, I see your bug in the system. We should be able to attempt a repro either today or very early next week. I will add it to my task-list today and will update you as soon as I get to it if nobody else beats me to it.
  10. JasonCostanza


    Unity Technologies

    May 23, 2017
    Update for you all,

    I was able to reproduce this bug. It's strange that you're seeing this because I've used the XR Interaction Toolkit package as well and never saw this bug. I noticed in your log

    XRRig.SetupCamera: Attempting to set the tracking space to Room, but that is not supported by the SDK.

    I am guessing something is wrong here with the Interaction Toolkit package and the XR Rig that's in the scene. I'm going to notify our Input team to look over this and see if we can narrow down what you're seeing.

    meanwhile, I upgraded the issue to a public issue. You can view the issue tracker link here:
  11. mfuad


    Unity Technologies

    Jun 12, 2018
    Going to close this thread now that we have the issue tracker link. We will update progress via that link. Thanks.
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