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Can't even run the first tutorials.

Discussion in 'Getting Started' started by Overpxy, Sep 15, 2018.

  1. Overpxy


    Sep 15, 2018
    So, I start the Unity hub, go to Learn and press download and then press start on 01: Play and Edit Mode and the program seems to load something but nothing happens... the scene is empty and the only thing seems that I have an error that's Assets\Plugins\Interactive Tutorials\Editor\Models\Tutorial.cs(83,33): warning cs0649: Field 'Tutorial.m_DefaultSceneCameraSettings' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value null... there are more errors in console window...

    If I can't even do the tutorials how am I suppose to make a game with this...

    I have the latest beta version of Unity, is that the problem? Or what is the problem?
  2. Bill_Martini


    Apr 19, 2016
    I have several suggestions.

    First, never use a beta version unless you have a specific need to do so. At best use the latest full release.

    I'm not sure you need Unity Hub. Don't add another layer of complication when you are learning. If you were instructed to do so, then I guess you should.

    Each tutorial has a version it has been tested against. The interactive tutorial says Checked with version: 2017.3. The Roll-a-ball says Checked with version: 5. You can download older versions of Unity here. For less headaches use the version that the tutorial has been tested on.

    Don't be discouraged, it's still the best way to learn and it's free. Don't be impatient complete many of the tutorials, each one has things that apply to many different game styles. Don't just focus on tutorials to make your dream game, learn how to use Unity first and your dream game will be your best.
    DerrickMoore, Ryiah and JoeStrout like this.
  3. Ryiah


    Oct 11, 2012
    Yes. Beta releases are intended only for people interested in helping catch bugs and for people to evaluate the new features coming through. Additionally the latest beta is fresh out of alpha. It's in the buggiest state possible for a beta.
  4. BrewNCode


    Feb 17, 2017
    I suggest you better go to the tutorial web page and start from there. We all started there :D.


    Jun 1, 2017
    Before you climb the mountain, you got to cross the valley. The thorny-ass valley. Filled with snakes. And tigers. And, worst of all, mosquitoes.

    The S***ty valley is where most people die. They die there because they are concerned with getting out. "I wanted to climb a mountain. Not fight mosquitos and thorns!"

    But in the S***ty, thorny-ass valley, the only way to survive is to keep your head down and just keep marching. Scratch where it itches, curse and scream all you want, but just keep marching. There is only way out, and it's not easy. But you keep it up, determined to survive, and then, one day, the sky gloriously reappears, and you know exactly where you are. You look back, and what seemed like years of torture now seems like a blink of the eye. You look up now at the mountain, and although it is a greater foe than you could ever imagine, you now understand how to persist, and you know that persistence is prerequisite to all great deeds.

    TL: DR -- everybody has been there. Just start learning to practice patience and work through problems one step at a time.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2018