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Cannot set animator parameter on object right after its instantiation.

Discussion in 'Animation' started by Turnspender, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. Turnspender


    Jun 27, 2013
    I have a 'Door' prefab to be instantiated, and its animator has bool Open parameter. When it's false, the door is closed (default) and when it's true, door opens. I wanted some of my doors to be open right after instantiated.

    However, when I change its parameter right after its instantiation, Animator somehow switch its value back to the default and refuses to animate otherwise. Thus I cannot instantiate a door that's already open. But door works fine afterwards, such as response to the player interacting it.

    Here's simplified version of what I'm doing...

    obj = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(doorPrefab, position, rotation);
    Door d = obj.GetComponent<Door>();
    d.animator = obj.GetComponent<Animator>():
    d.animator.SetBool("Open", true);

    I got true when I called GetBool right after the SetBool, but it seemed the parameter is to be switched back to false somewhere I don't know.

    I checked possibility of enabling/disabling object somewhere, but OnEnable() and OnDisable() were never called. I tried enabling object or Updating Animatior before SetBool to no avail.

    Can anyone tell me what I'm missing, please?
  2. Turnspender


    Jun 27, 2013
    I'm sorry, forget about this, it's solved. Apparently this was enabling/disabling problem. The door was disabled & enabled indirectly when its parent object did and I missed that. I somehow did something wrong with debugging to think OnEnable() and OnDisable() were never called. Ugh.