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Cannot get EditorVR to function regardless of build

Discussion in 'EditorXR' started by Falcongold, Sep 13, 2017.

  1. Falcongold


    Sep 13, 2017
    I really want to use EditorVR but regardless of what I try I just cannot get the menu option to appear. I am currently trying it with 5.6.0xEditorVR-p3 and I have Imported EditorVR, and both the steam plugin and the oculus plugin (I have both a vive and rift). I have followed the other steps (edited project settings) and tried several different unity builds and pressed ctrl+e just to see if it would go anyway... nothing. can anyone tell em the best way to quickly get this up and running?
  2. codesrc


    Jul 24, 2017
    My guess is try a different computer and VR rig than the one you are using to eliminate any unknowns that might be specific to your setup and get comfortable with the install. It should really be this simple:

    1) download and install Unity 5.6.0xEditorVR-p3
    2) open a new project
    3) install steamvr asset from the asset store.
    4) download oculus utilities from the oculus website and import the asset
    5) download editorvr unity package and import it.

    Go to project settings, make sure Virtual Reality is supported in other under player settings
    Make sure OpenVR and Oculus are available in virtual reality SDKs.

    Put a couple of items in your scene so its not blank--like some spheres and capsules and cubes

    Go to the Window menu, look for the EditorVR option, and run it.

    That's it. That's all that should be required and it really is that simple.

    That's why I'm suggesting to try to get to some other computer and try the install so you can see if there is some strange feature of your setup that's not letting this work. Get comfortable getting the system started, and then you'll be in a better position to trouble shoot your own rig.
  3. codesrc


    Jul 24, 2017
    Ah, when you first start it and the editor window pops up, you may need to hit the buttons and check box in the editorvr view to make sure your cameras are rendering. From there you should see the proxy rays extending out of your controllers in VR, with the unity logos attached to them. Hit the unity logo with the proxy ray and pull the trigger to get the main menu up, and then play with the options there. You should be good to go.
  4. Falcongold


    Sep 13, 2017
    Ok, I can get it to work on a fresh project (same machine), at first I thought it might be that maybe I had imported the oculus plugin but not the utilities, even though I am using steam... but when I make sure that I do all of the steps in the package that I was working in, it still doesn't work. I know that editorVR is still experimental and beta-ish, however, a bundled setup package or at least a path forward through the "window" menu, would be a large help in diagnosing what might cause it to not be functional in some instances of the editor, or project. Possibly having it greyed out and if you click it or hover over it it tells you what it is missing. I will submit that as a feature request.