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Can you call an Animation using an animation event on another animation?

Discussion in 'Animation' started by naturebytes, Jul 21, 2019.

  1. naturebytes


    Apr 24, 2019
    Title. Basically, and this might not be possible or just the wrong way to do it, I have a player attack animation and an enemy getting hit animation. They are extremely simple.

    I have the player attack animation on a trigger that gets called after a certain function is called. I figured the best and easiest way to sync up the enemy getting hit by the player attack is to just call the EnemyHit animation at the exact moment I need it using an animation event in the PlayerAttack.

    I've got the player attacking when I want but i can't for the life of me figure out how to call the enemyHit animation using an animation event inside the player attack animation. Watched many vids and read the unity api.

    Is this possible? Can you call an animation using an animation event on another animation? Or is there a better way?