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Can directional lights and point lights raytrace shadows simultaneously?

Discussion in 'HDRP Ray Tracing' started by Deleted User, May 6, 2022.

  1. Deleted User

    Deleted User


    When my sun gameobject is active, my point lights switch from raytraced to normal. When I set active to false, they switch back to raytraced. Is this supposed to happen, and is there a way to have both work? Or can I only choose one?
  2. chap-unity


    Unity Technologies

    Nov 4, 2019
    Hey, you need to increase maximum screen space shadow in your current HDRP asset (by default it's set to 4 IIRC).
    Directionnal light raytraced shadows (especially if it's colored) takes 3 of those screen space shadows, area lights 2, and punctual light 1, so when the max number is reached, the shadows fallbacks to rasterization.

    jeremedia likes this.
  3. Deleted User

    Deleted User


    that did it
    thank you very much
    chap-unity likes this.