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Camera Layering question

Discussion in 'Image Effects' started by Vidalicious, Feb 17, 2018.

  1. Vidalicious


    Aug 30, 2017
    Hi :) Hope you are doing well!

    I'm trying to glow everything except a Text, I succeed by using two cameras:

    Main Camera
    Clear Flags: Skybox
    Culling Mask: Everything except the Text's layer
    Depth: 0

    Second Camera
    Clear Flags: Don't Clear
    Culling Mask: Text's layer
    Depth: 2

    However, the Text is always in front of everything. I tried different Clear Flags and Depth with the Second Camera but I can't solve my issue. Because it works with default meshes (sphere, cube, etc.), I'm pretty sure it is because of the text's material, do you have any solution?:(

    Thank you in advance,


    Edit: It seems to be link to the portal shader I'm using, causing a non right order of drawing, I'll ask directly to the Portal asset's author then.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2018