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Calling "showEveryplay" leads to a crash!

Discussion in 'Unity Everyplay' started by grafd, Oct 30, 2015.

  1. grafd


    Oct 30, 2015
    Hi there,

    we use Everyplay in our game for recording and it seemed to work properly, but when calling the line [[EveryplaysharedInstance] showEveryplay] our app crashes. Testing on iOS 9.1, iPhone 5S. The crash happens no matter if we call it ourselves in our UI or by pressing the Everyplay button in the preview window of Everyplay (shown when calling [[EveryplaysharedInstance] playLastRecording]).

    All frameworks are added.
    Init. is done in "viewDidLoad" of our view controller:[EveryplayinitWithDelegate:selfandParentViewController:self.view.window.rootViewController]
    EveryplayDelegate methods are being called as expected.
    Just before the crash "everyplayShown" method is called.
    There is no specific error log shown.

    Did you experience similar problems? Any idea where to search?

    Any help is appreciated!
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2015
  2. grafd


    Oct 30, 2015
    Well then, let me answer myself. :) Everyplay's view controller seems to require portrait orientations, too. Is this correct? When I add all of them to the .plist then everything is fine. It this the way to go? This should be added to the description on the website if needed. Otherwise all landscape only apps should have the same problem.

    Feedback needed! Thanks!