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C# preview issue (fixed)

Discussion in 'Project Tiny' started by Dunk86, Jun 4, 2019.

  1. Dunk86


    May 10, 2015
    I realise that the current preview is mostly to test if things even build, but once I got past the first-time compilation crashes, I was actually happy enough with the speed of builds. Obviously not as good as normal Unity's Game view, but I can live with it.

    Most of these you are probably aware of, but I'm just listing them for my own sake :)
    The biggest issue slowing me down making a basic game prototype right now is:

    DotsScratchpad-DoNotEdit and the lack of coherent scenes - it seems that double clicking a scene will additively place the objects in the hierarchy, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to edit a scene in isolation (e.g. to make a scene 'prefab' as in the SpawnAndDestroy sample). Additive loading should not be the default behaviour - it should follow standard Unity convention. Previous uTiny previews had additive loading, but at least it kept the scenes/entity groups separated so you could load one, then unload the one you didn't need.
    Also, Unity places cached entities here:

    As you can see, I get all kinds of random entities placed in my hierarchy, when I just want to edit the saved scene.

    Other niggles:
    1) UI buttons not straightforward - I managed *eventually* to replicate the button behaviour from the samples, but there's lots of components you need to manually add - and no errors if you've got something missing.
    This setup is weird, as setting up a working button should be achievable with a 'create/UI Button' dropdown as with regular Unity UI.

    2) No create-component menu option - only a create-system (that you need to then manually edit).

    3) All the regular Unity menus are visible on a right click when editing the hierarchy (e.g. 3DObject/Cube), but adding the Tiny entities can only be done from the top "Entity" menu. Definitely confusing.
  2. raymondyunity


    Unity Technologies

    Apr 30, 2018
    I believe the hierarchy was not in a correct state. Try opening another hierarchy when in a Tiny project.
  3. Dunk86


    May 10, 2015
    I think my project got corrupted by a failed AsmJS compilation somehow. Using 2019.2.0b4 on a fresh project with no samples seemed to fix it for me. Same for my point 3, that was due to the corrupted Hierarchy view.
  4. romiohasan


    Apr 8, 2019
    Same issue here, DotsScratchpad-DoNotEdit - the hierarchy view gets corrupted from time to time. Opening another project and going back does not seems to fix it, nor restarting the editor. this is highly inconvenient.
    Any quick workaround?
  5. Dunk86


    May 10, 2015
    What worked for me was specifically installing Unity 2019.2.0b4 from Unity Hub and creating a new project that imported only the base Project Tiny (no samples) and Text mesh pro essentials. I think that Unity projects containing Tiny might get corrupted by a failed compile, so possibly a fresh project may need creating if that happens.
  6. Jalol


    Sep 23, 2013
    Same thing happened to me... twice -_-

    Here's my workaround with 2019.2.0b6
    - Close Unity
    - Delete the files in Assets\EditorCache\ (DotsScratchpad-DoNoEdit.unity and DotsScratchpad-DoNoEdit.unity.meta)
    - Restart Unity
  7. Erothez


    May 27, 2015
    Ran into this issue as well, having to open a second hierarchy ever time I change (tiny) project.