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Building mono builds for iOS (dev only) to reduce down time, is it possible?

Discussion in 'Editor & General Support' started by trooper, Oct 1, 2019.

  1. trooper


    Aug 21, 2009
    Wondering if there are any hacks to get mono building working just for adhoc dev builds for iOS.

    The reasoning is that for each task I complete I would like to be able to send off a build and have it tested before it hits main but builds for iOS are currently taking 40+ minutes, compared to android mono being 5 minutes.

    Mono also produces line numbers which is excellent for fast iteration.

    Our final testing is always on Internal Track / Testflight so we'll capture any IL2CPP issues during that stage but those are so few that it's not worth testing IL2CPP until the end.

    Anyone got any ideas or info on whether it is hackable?