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Building First WebGL

Discussion in 'Web' started by mholmes, Apr 30, 2019.

  1. mholmes


    Dec 8, 2012
    Not sure if this is possible or not. I want to build a website using Unity WebGL. The website will technically be ASP .Net but using Unity Web GL. I have a few questions before I start/build it. I also plan on adding my games to the website and adding more over time. So here are a few questions I have before I start:

    1. Can I do this?
      1. Can I build a web site using Web GL?
      2. Is it expandable?
      3. Can you have WEB GL games nested inside of another Web GL or do I need to point it via link to play the games?
    2. Has anyone ever tried this before?
      1. I truly hope someone has tried this before and has videos?
    I'm completed newb to WebGL so I dont know limits etc.