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Building a house: modular vs a full model

Discussion in 'General Graphics' started by VengadoraVG, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. VengadoraVG


    Nov 21, 2015

    So i wanna build a house (that implies making a lot of rooms with different architecture), but i don't know what would be the best way to do it:

    i could make a lot of "modules", something like this video:

    This would allow me to use culling :) but... wouldn't it have more triangles, and therefore harm performance?

    or i could make a whole house model... but then, i won't be able to use culling anymore :( to solve this, i could create a big model for a room, but then i would have to add colliders to each big model, and it sounds like a pretty nasty job D:

    what would you guys recommend me?

    Additional info: i don't care if the room has very realistic physics, in fact, i am thinking on using only navmaps :)
  2. Stardog


    Jun 28, 2010
    Modular is a good way to do it, but you might have issues with lightmap seams. If you can make them all share the same texture atlas it will also be good for performance.

    There would be more triangles, but mostly just with the floor/ceiling which is only a few polys anyway.